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Everything posted by Spud

  1. 41 Pretty good, I guess. Next person, how is the weather outside right now
  2. Hmm lets see there's a few things that seem abnormal from an aro/ace perspective... I have a really dirty mind (guess that's more of an ace thing) I have shipped people Might have a crush but I really don't know All of my "squishes" if they even count at all have been really light and only lasted a few days-- they were mostly just small bouts of "hey that dude (it's always been a guy) looks cool I want to talk to him" I don't mind hugging or physical intimacy with my best friends. I actually really enjoy it (most of the time) I want someone to have a crush on me... in theory I find some people really cute and I guess I have a "type" but only aesthetically I am probably one of, if not the youngest people on this site I can relate to this. I may or may not have had a slight panic attack one time while thinking about how I was going to die alone without having contributed anything to the world... O_O
  3. Banned because that reason was used before. You have to think creatively.
  4. Not banned. Totally correct.
  5. Banned because we must go deeper
  6. Spud

    would you rather

    One plain food definitely... even though I might get bored of it, at least I won't have to eat stuff I don't like. And it's fully sustaining, so I don't see a large negative here WYR have a shaved head in the winter or full length hair you can't tie up in the summer (assuming both look great on you )
  7. 39 So how are you guys doing
  8. My friend got a bunch of random people to ask me out as a joke but it was really annoying and in public. And slightly embarrassing because it kind of highlighted the fact that no one would actually ask me out, ever. Not that I mind, but in other peoples' eyes, that's pretty weird. Anyway, the whole time it really sucked and she wouldn't stop doing it for like a week.
  9. We will now begin the curl up section. Ready? Begin! Up! Down (one) Up! Down (two)
  10. Banned because loyalty to Spudpocalypse should be universal, even in this thread!
  11. Spud

    would you rather

    I'd rather cure cancer because it seems like a more pressing issue than very fast travel. WYR be forced to go on a giant roller coaster for 6 hours in a row or a kiddie ride for 6 hours in a row if you could not do anything else but sit on the ride?
  12. Banned because everyone is required by CAPSLOCKIA law to side with the Spudpocalypse.
  13. Spud

    One Sentence Story

    Spud suddenly remembered reading an ancient book back on Earth about where the key was, however the details had been forgotten, and so Spud abandoned the smelly hole and flew back to Earth to scavenge for the book while everyone else continued investigating.
  14. Banned for worshiping Apple Cake when you should be hailing almighty Spud.
  15. Spud

    One Sentence Story

    "Ritual? You never mentioned this! Actually, you didn't mention anything, so I'm not surprised," said the man.
  16. Banned because the only goal is to ban the person above you, not everyone.
  17. ...banned because you confused me.
  18. Flowey the Flower (sorry not sorry)
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