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The Angel of Eternity

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Posts posted by The Angel of Eternity

  1. I originally thought Emmett "Doc" Brown from Back to the Future was on the aro/ace spectrum but I was disappointed upon Back to the Future 3 where Doc fell into love with a woman and had children. This rules out him being aro (because he said he loved this woman) and it most likely rules out him being ace. I thought that was quite unfortunate. I still like him, though.

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  2. I'm no medical professional so I couldn't give you advice there but I developed a theory a couple years ago that any "hallucinations" could be the brain detecting a person (or other entity) in another timeline or dimension. I've heard that the veil of illusion is thinning and that people are beginning to see things they wouldn't see otherwise.


    Let me ask you these:

    1) Do you think these figures appear at random times?

    2) Upon trying to look directly at the figures with your physical eyes, do they seem to disappear?

  3. @Alyssia Hello! I'm glad you asked this question because I have my own experiences regarding this. 


    Now, I'm not the type to experience crushes or squishes or the like. What I am about to reveal is, I think, even less traditionally known than a squish. I have coined the term "expansion" to describe this feeling I've had for certain people. An expansion describes the desire to be spiritually or mentally intimate with another. My preferred way to be spiritually or mentally intimate is by sharing my own personal truths or "inner world" that would not normally be shared with others.


    In September 2018 I came into personal contact with a transgender-identifying character on AVEN. For the sake of their anonymity I shall not reveal their name. They claimed to be "a marriage in one body". This means they claimed to be two souls in one body, a man in a woman's body. They told me of personal spiritual experiences they'd had in 1998 (the year my physical body was born). I'm not currently in contact with them but I've been listening to this song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4ukTsC0oTw) and it gives me deeply fond memories of them and their near-death experiences they shared with me. It makes me a bit melancholy, really.


    There's someone else on AVEN with whom I'm still in contact. We have had similar spiritual experiences and beliefs. We both have deeply personal spiritual beliefs, truths and "stories" we share with each other that I or they (I don't think) don't share normally with others. We've become really good internet friends based on these things.


    I've experienced expansions on others but it would take too long to go into detail about every one. 




  4. Crush: The desire to do romantic (and possibly sexual) things with an individual


    Squish: The desire for other than a friendship but other than a romantic relationship; the aromantic version of a crush


    *Smash: The desire to act physically and/or verbally violent at an extreme to an individual out of ruthless aggression, anger and/or hatred


    *Expansion: The desire to direct, to an extreme, compassion, love, service and kindness to an individual; the desire to act in a godly way towards someone; opposite of a smash


    (The terms with an asterisk are terms coined by me)




    So, what do you think? Please let me know in the comments section below.

  5. 4 hours ago, Coyote said:

    This seems overly reliant on the idea that all aros are either aro allo or aro ace. Some aros aren't.

    I can see @Coyote's point of view here and yes, I do understand and realize that some aros don't want to have their sexual orientation with their romantic one. Maybe it, indeed, is best if we stick to this idea presented by @Coyote until and unless any allosexual aros want their sexual orientation represented along with their romantic orientation.


    Godspeed to All

  6. 11 minutes ago, blanketqueencas said:

    Does anyone else have issues with this when they're friends are in relationships?

    I do not recall any friends doing this with me.


    11 minutes ago, blanketqueencas said:

    How do you get them to stop?

    I would simply tell them you're fine with them doing that stuff and if you hadn't noticed it, I'd tell them that, too. I'm sure saying this to them will relieve them of a lot of stress as they probably only want you to feel comfortable around them.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

    So how would you break down 'allosexual aro' and 'ace aro' into categories or criteria? 

    Well, I was simply thinking that, since aros can have various sexual identities, there could be media representing ace aros, homo aros, hetero aros, pan aros, bi aros, poly aros etc.


    3 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

    Also, I had to google Andrew Hendricks and I still have no idea who you mean....the racecar driver? ???

    Ah, yes, I see how that could be hard to understand. THE Andrew Hendricks!™ is a dear friend of mine from University and is, indeed, THE brightest Engineering mind in his field. I just have so much respect for this guy that I don't just call him Andrew Hendricks (boring!) but I give him his own "™" and call him THE Andrew Hendricks!™

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  8. My sister got married a couple days ago and a few days before the wedding my sister, my mom and the groom's mom were preparing. Here's a little conversation that occurred:


    My sister [to me]: Do you think you'll get married someday?

    Me: No, I don't want to.

    My sister: Are you being serious or are you just saying that?

    Me: I'm serious.

    My mom [to my sister]: He still has time to think about it.


    I think what my mom said implied that I would come around to marry one day.




    Speaking of weddings and other formal family events, here's another situation that kind of irks me. I was dressed up for the wedding and people repeatedly told me I looked handsome. I do not like to be called handsome or good-looking. Does anyone else feel this way?

    • Like 3
  9. On 7/11/2016 at 1:01 AM, Dodgypotato said:

    Background: I visited Zema's house yesterday, and they drove me home. We hung out in my room a while afterwards before they left.


    This morning:

    Dad: "So, is he your boyfriend?"

    Me: "... No. They're not even into women. They're asexual." (I'm closeted in all shapes and forms.)

    Dad (thinking I was talking about myself?): *turns away* "That's bullshit. You like girls?"

    Me: "No..? I said zema, and not into women."

    Dad: "That's f-ing weird. Why're you mixing with him them?"

    Me: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????


    -5 minutes later, me in the other room with my cat trying to eat my hair-

    *dad walks over to me*

    Dad: "So what's this... Asexual?"

    Me: "It means... You're not interested in anyone... In that way..." *awkwardly, kind of put on the spot*

    Dad: "Bullshit."

    Me: "What do you mean?"

    Dad: "I've never heard of that. That's bullshit." (he really seems to like the world bullshit)

    Me: "People can be attracted to the same gender, opposite, or both-" (my parents are too closed-minded to think there's more than 2 genders, I have to go along with it while I'm with them) "-, so why not none?"

    Dad: "Whatever. I've never heard of it." *mutters some more*


    Unless he's completely stupid, he's going to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that I'm asexual as well. Or at least 'think' I am, in his opinion.

    Wow. Just because you've never heard of something doesn't give you the right to deny its existence. Open up your minds, people!

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    • Thanks 1
  10. 18 minutes ago, Magni said:

    I don't really see the term "transgender pronouns" used?  Like....many trans people don't use neopronouns.  Neopronouns are basically any pronouns which haven't been regularly established in english, so not she, he, they, or it.  Also, what pronouns people use isn't necessarily tied to their gender? People can use whichever pronouns they prefer, regardless of their gender identity.  "neopronouns" is a term literally meaning "new pronouns", and while it's commonly used by nonbinary people, they're not named "nonbinary pronouns" because that would be unnecessarily restricting their use to specific gender identities.

    Very fascinating! I genuinely appreciate the insight you took the time to give me. It helps a lot.

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