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rain of arrows

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About rain of arrows

  • Birthday December 5

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Tadpole (1/4)

  1. An incredibly sensitive sink faucet that only gives mildly lukewarm water when turned 43° to the right, and then 38° to the left. Any other attempts will produce ice cold water.
  2. I'm Vietnamese! My dad is pretty conservative, and he used to be very uptight and strict about not dating until after college when I was younger. I feel like I should have felt restricted, but I honestly didn't want to date at all. I chalked it up to just being too young to want that kind of stuff. I figured that when I became older, maybe I'd be more rebellious and sneaky and want to date? I guess? When I did get older, though, he became significantly more lax, which honestly threw me for a 180. At that point, like you, it made me start to wonder what exactly was holding me back, since he wasn't anymore. All of my friends began to experiment and date and I just. Didn't want to, I guess. When my friend came out as ace, I started looking into ace resources and forums and found out about aromanticism.
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