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Appalachian Triple A (Ace Aro Agender)!


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Hey there! I'm a queer ace living in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia! I ID as trans* but as FtN, not FtM, and am having fun, fun, fun introducing the lovely folks of my smallish town to the wonderful world beyond the gender binary! And they were JUST getting used to the concept of gay people....lol. Just to keep the alliteration going, I'm also atheist and outspoken about that also. (Ok, I DO have a soft spot in my heart for The Church Of The Flying Spahetti Monster. Those wild and crazy Pastafarians sure know how to mix things up!) I'm a librarian by trade and a blogger (SJW here-yep, a snowflake, a progressive, an antifa...) who spends way more time reading than anything else. My idea of a raucous Friday night involves a Japanese crime noir novel, a cup of hot tea, and my whippet.

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Hello there~ Another possible triple A here (I have zero understanding of "sense of gender" in any kind of possible definition so I go with agender) And haha, I would add Madokami and Arceus next to Pastafarianism. 


Anyway, welcome~ :cherries:

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I live in a constant state of bemusement. I'm an atheist who lives on CHURCH St (yes, that is the name of my street) and I can hit three churches with a stone from my apartment balcony. There are five churches in three blocks of me...and those just the MAIN denominations....SIGH.

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