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Generous Deeds


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Just a quick question that popped into my mind :3
Have you ever done something generous for someone else, or has anyone ever done something generous for you? When was that? Why was it? Share your stories here!

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In a way, my gut reaction is always to consider other people over myself, to the point that I'll sometimes volunteer myself to do things before I even think about whether or not I actually want to or even can help. (I know that has a lot to do with how much more work I do for my graduate assistantship than my job description actually details, but that goodwill certainly ended up working to my benefit overall.)


Because I'm a very empathetic person in some respects, others' happiness has a big impact on me, so there's some degree of selfish motivation at play. I'm definitely not proud of the moments when I didn't know how to cheer people up, so I would resort to avoiding them just so I didn't have to cope with their hurt. It also makes consoling friends who are hurting because of a lack of romantic fulfillment particularly complicated, because I want to make those feelings go away, but I know from experience that volunteering myself to be their SO just for that reason ends up the worst possible way to fix that issue.


Still, I like to do little things. (Heck, the first time I ever passed as a man was as I held a door open for an elderly woman. She called me a gentleman. :)) I study in a place with fairly unpredictable weather, so I keep spare umbrellas in my on-campus locker to loan out to friends/acquaintances, and I often offer to share my umbrella with strangers who are walking the same way. It's such a small gesture, but I'm always humbled by the reactions.

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