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Bipolar Bear

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    It's all one big question mark
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  • Location
    KY - US

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Tadpole (1/4)

  1. Movie club showtimes have changed! More info to be posted to the movie club thread in Off Topic!

  2. Alas, Sleepy Hollow is a no-go! Last minute change to Hocus Pocus, starting, now! Join us!

  3. Movie Night shall commence in t-minus 16 minutes!! Pls see update in the movie club thread for film info and announcements! Need a link yo the online movie room? PM me or Tal Shi'ar!


    1. Bipolar Bear

      Bipolar Bear

      :P But not butt in the face. Hah! Gah, we are a bunch of children...

    2. Philbo Wiseroot
  5. Movie club showtime starts in ~10! Enjoy music and film trailers while you wait! PM for more info

  6. Calling volunteers! The movie club needs a few people with smartphones or tablets willing to briefly test some features for us. PM for more info!

    1. Philbo Wiseroot

      Philbo Wiseroot

      You know I will ;)


  7. Movie club updates in our thread. Click here to check it out! :)

  8. AMC Film of the week:  Nightmare on Elm Street DOUBLE FEATURE! First showtime begins in half an hr, with music and movie trailers during intermission. Enjoy the show!

  9. Steven Universe marathon in the AMC room starting in one hour! It will run for the rest of the day, with regular Movie Night returning next Sunday. :)

  10. It also seemed to make romance out to be inherently and extremely codependent. I had to take a break, after awhile, because of how incredulous I was that this blargh was even out in the interwebspace. Do people buy into this kind of thinking? As a panromantic ace, I say "oh hell nah."
  11. Nice list! If the quotes are what is imp, but the name/timestamp aren't as necessary, the site accepts bbcode tags for quoting.You can type [.quote]insert quoted text, here[/.quote] without the periods. If ppl didnt know it could do that, since the editing option can be a bit wonky, using the tags is an alternative. There's a way to type them to include timestamps and usernames, but I don't recall what that is, atm. It is tedious, but an option, nonetheless.
  12. I guess I will break my zero posts count (off topic doesnt count, I guess) for this thread. @Pufflehugs04, you're very welcome! Bestie powers, activate! *** So, I wondered what this "quiz" was all about. I barely got through the first few paragraphs before my brow started arching. For something from an edu, it reads like a confused and elementary understanding of what constitutes affection, "love" and connection. More like a magazine quiz than what I would expect from an institution, frankly... But, hey, I am not an expert. Someone worked hard to put some information together, so I'll give them that much. I haven't gone into much of the quiz, but I can say that the answers are somewhat... Oh.. What word to use.. Rigged? Has anyone taken the myers-briggs test in any form? The questions/answers make it to where you have to attribute the most likely answer that is applicable to you, whether it is mostly accurate to how you identify as a person or not. Example: ... Now, which out of these should I choose to say I don't like being atop of skyscrapers, but I have a small circle of friends? What does one have to do with the other, anyway? Well, that's how I felt, walking in to this quiz. But, let's just go with it and see where it takes us, shall we? I will continue reading, answering and such, and type up my thoughts as I go along. Then post what I can summarize, here. It is bound to be one hell of a post.
  13. Movie is now on! Hope everyone is having a good weekend/Monday!

  14. Apologies. The movie club room player has been having script issues. Make sure to come a bit early before show times to test it out before the movie! Will keep you updated! :)

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