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I Don't Know How To Feel About Romance


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Just so we can get this out of the way, I cannot see myself being romantic with anyone, ever. That I am sure of. After a lot of thinking I realised that I don't like romantic movies because they make it hard to care about the characters or their romance. It's like all there is to these characters is their love for each other.


 So at least I got that settled. However I've been really confused about my feelings about real people being romantic. When I see anyone holding hands I think d'awwwww ?. But when I see people kissing I go ewwww ?. And when someone I know announces they have a date I momentarily go into shock and think it's unbelievable. 


It's extra confusing because there are some days when I'm miserable and I just hate any form of affection that I see.

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20 minutes ago, timidcat said:

It's extra confusing because there are some days when I'm miserable and I just hate any form of affection that I see.

I find that repulsion and tolerance towards romance fluctuates day to day for me too. Some days I'm all about my ships and other days I despise the existence of romance. Either way I'm never romantically or sexually attracted to people and never desire a relationship.

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Yeah, I don't think fluctuating levels of repulsion/aversion are that uncommon, even though we don't really talk about it too much.   I don't think my romantic repulsion fluctuates as much as yours does, but it does still change a bit from day to day. 

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