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Synthetic Adrenaline

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I know it's ridiculously childish for a 33 year old but I love making ChatGPT write silly stories. Post yours here! I'll go first...

prompt: write a story about a zombie virus but instead of attacking people the victims lose their vocabulary and can only say the word 'nope'


In a world not so different from our own, an unusual and perplexing phenomenon began to unfold. A bizarre virus, unlike any other, began to spread, leaving communities bewildered and scientists scratching their heads. This was not the typical zombie apocalypse where the infected craved human flesh; instead, it was a mysterious affliction that robbed people of their ability to communicate, reducing their vocabulary to a single word: "nope."

The virus, which came to be known as the "Nope Virus," started in a small town nestled between rolling hills. At first, it seemed like a minor inconvenience. A person would wake up one day and find themselves struggling to express their thoughts. Sentences once filled with rich vocabulary and meaningful exchanges had now devolved into a repetitive chorus of "nope."

As the virus spread, so did the confusion and frustration. People who were once teachers, doctors, and artists found themselves stripped of their identities and passions, reduced to a single, monotonous response. Families struggled to communicate, friends grew distant, and society began to fracture.

Among the chaos, a linguist named Dr. Emily Miller emerged as a beacon of hope. Fascinated by the linguistic puzzle, she dedicated herself to understanding the virus and finding a cure. She believed that buried within the monosyllabic repetition was a hidden message, a key to reversing the effects of the Nope Virus.

Dr. Miller established a research center in the heart of the outbreak, where she and her team tirelessly studied the infected individuals. They observed their behaviors, brain patterns, and any variations in the way they pronounced "nope." Over time, they discovered that the infected individuals seemed to experience moments of clarity, fleeting instances where their eyes held a spark of recognition.

Through extensive research, Dr. Miller theorized that the virus was attacking specific neural pathways related to language and communication. She believed that by triggering these moments of clarity and stimulating the dormant parts of the brain, she could help the infected break free from the shackles of "nope."

Months turned into years as Dr. Miller's work progressed. She developed experimental treatments, combining neuroscience, psychology, and unconventional methods. She organized support groups where infected individuals could connect and share their experiences, even if it was through the limited medium of "nope."

Finally, a breakthrough came when Dr. Miller discovered a pattern in the brain activity of those rare moments of clarity. With cautious optimism, she devised a treatment that involved exposing the infected to carefully crafted audiovisual stimuli designed to activate those specific neural pathways. The initial trials showed promising results.

As news of the breakthrough spread, hope began to bloom once again. Families held on to the possibility of reuniting with their loved ones in meaningful conversations. The infected clung to the idea that they could break free from their linguistic prison.

Over time, with persistence and determination, Dr. Miller's treatment succeeded in reversing the effects of the Nope Virus. Those who had been silenced for so long regained their ability to speak, their vocabularies returning to them like a floodgate had been opened. The town that had once been enveloped in monotonous "nopes" echoed with laughter, tears, and heartfelt conversations.

The experience left a lasting impact on society. People learned not to take communication for granted and developed a newfound appreciation for language. The bonds that had been strained were now stronger than ever before, and the world emerged from the brink of linguistic collapse with a renewed sense of unity.

The Nope Virus became a testament to human resilience and the power of communication. And as the town and its people rebuilt their lives, they held onto the lessons learned during the bewildering time when all they could say was "nope."

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Prompt: Write a rap about being autistic and aromantic.


(Verse 1) Yo, I'm here to spit a rhyme, it's my time to shine, Autistic and aromantic, yeah, that's my design. In a world so fast-paced, where love's the main theme, I'm carving out my path, chasing my own dream.

I see the world through a different lens, that's my view, Sensory overload, but I push through. Autism's my superpower, it makes me unique, I embrace it with pride, let me speak, let me speak.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Verse 2) Aromantic, yeah, I don't need romance in my life, I find my joy in different ways, it's not just strife. I've got deep connections, friendship's the key, Building bonds that last, that's what sets me free.

Autistic and proud, I wear it like a crown, I break down barriers, I won't let them keep me down. My mind's a masterpiece, a colorful maze, In this neurodiverse world, we all find our ways.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Verse 3) I navigate a world that often misunderstands, But I'm standing tall, got the world in my hands. Autistic and aromantic, that's who I am, Breaking stereotypes, like an earthquake, I slam.

I'm the rhythm in the chaos, the calm in the storm, I'm carving out my path, I'm transforming the norm. Autistic and aromantic, hear my voice so loud, In this world of diversity, we all make it proud.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Bridge) This is my anthem, my unique declaration, Autistic and aromantic, I'm a vibrant creation. In a world of many colors, I shine like a star, Embracing who I am, just like you are.

(Outro) So if you're autistic and aromantic too, Know that you're amazing, you're breaking through. We're rewriting the story, creating our own say, Autistic and aromantic, we'll slay all the way!

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3 hours ago, Keith said:

Prompt: Write a rap about being autistic and aromantic.


(Verse 1) Yo, I'm here to spit a rhyme, it's my time to shine, Autistic and aromantic, yeah, that's my design. In a world so fast-paced, where love's the main theme, I'm carving out my path, chasing my own dream.

I see the world through a different lens, that's my view, Sensory overload, but I push through. Autism's my superpower, it makes me unique, I embrace it with pride, let me speak, let me speak.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Verse 2) Aromantic, yeah, I don't need romance in my life, I find my joy in different ways, it's not just strife. I've got deep connections, friendship's the key, Building bonds that last, that's what sets me free.

Autistic and proud, I wear it like a crown, I break down barriers, I won't let them keep me down. My mind's a masterpiece, a colorful maze, In this neurodiverse world, we all find our ways.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Verse 3) I navigate a world that often misunderstands, But I'm standing tall, got the world in my hands. Autistic and aromantic, that's who I am, Breaking stereotypes, like an earthquake, I slam.

I'm the rhythm in the chaos, the calm in the storm, I'm carving out my path, I'm transforming the norm. Autistic and aromantic, hear my voice so loud, In this world of diversity, we all make it proud.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Bridge) This is my anthem, my unique declaration, Autistic and aromantic, I'm a vibrant creation. In a world of many colors, I shine like a star, Embracing who I am, just like you are.

(Outro) So if you're autistic and aromantic too, Know that you're amazing, you're breaking through. We're rewriting the story, creating our own say, Autistic and aromantic, we'll slay all the way!

Holy crap this is actually good.

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Imma do one more nope themed story and then I'll try and have a bit more imagination

prompt: write an episode of Resident Evil in which a virus has leaked but with a twist: instead of attacking people the victims lose their vocabulary and can only say the word nope. Alice is confused and has no idea how to proceed; all her martial arts skills are a bit useless against an incessant chant of 'nope'

Title: Resident Evil: The "Nope" Outbreak


The sterile lab is dimly lit, filled with rows of futuristic computer terminals, glass chambers containing grotesque experiments, and biohazard signs plastered everywhere. ALICE, a fearless and battle-hardened operative, stands in the middle of the lab, a pistol in hand, ready to confront the imminent threat. Her surroundings are eerily quiet.

(whispering to herself)
What the hell happened here?

Alice's heart races as she scans the room. Something is terribly wrong. She cautiously approaches one of the computer terminals and begins typing in commands to access the facility's surveillance footage.


On the bank of monitors, Alice sees chaotic scenes from various parts of the facility. Scientists and guards are stumbling around, clutching their heads in confusion. They seem disoriented, their expressions vacant. But the most chilling part is what they're saying—over and over again.

Nope! Nope! Nope!

Nope, nope, nope!

Alice watches in horror as the contagion spreads, infecting one person after another.

(to herself)
What the...?

Suddenly, the facility's PA system crackles to life.

(distorted voice)
Attention, all personnel. A Level-7 biohazard breach has occurred. All survivors are advised to proceed to the quarantine zone for immediate containment. Nope.

"Nope"? What kind of virus is this?

Alice's training has prepared her for countless scenarios, but this is like nothing she's ever encountered before. She begins to retrace her steps, searching for clues in the lab. Her martial arts skills, honed through countless battles, feel utterly useless against this bizarre outbreak.


Alice examines vials of various substances, scientific journals, and lab notes. She finds an audio recording on one of the computer terminals and presses play.

This is Dr. Carter. We've had a containment breach in the lab. The virus... it's not what we expected. It's... it's taken away our ability to communicate, except for one word: "Nope." We've lost control. I don't know how this happened.

(grim realization)
So, it's not just here. It's everywhere in the facility.

Alice continues to explore the lab, searching for any clues that might lead to a solution. She stumbles upon a vial containing a green substance, labeled "Potential Antidote." With no other options, she decides to take it with her.


Alice navigates her way through the facility, encountering more "Nope"-chanting victims along the way. She finally reaches the quarantine zone, where a small group of survivors has gathered.

Listen up, everyone. I think I found a potential antidote. It might reverse the effects of the virus. We have to try it.

(no confidence)

Nope, nope.

Alice realizes that convincing the survivors to take the antidote won't be easy. She carefully administers the antidote to herself, hoping that it will work.


Slowly, Alice begins to feel a change. Her head clears, and her speech returns to normal.

It worked! I can talk again!

The survivors watch her in awe, gradually gaining confidence in the antidote.

Maybe...maybe it's worth a shot.

One by one, the survivors take the antidote. As they regain their ability to communicate, they start formulating a plan to contain the outbreak and find the source of the mysterious virus.

Let's find out how this happened and put an end to it. We're not saying "nope" to that.

The group of survivors, led by Alice, prepares to confront the unknown force that has turned their world into a nightmare of "nope." The battle for answers begins as they venture deeper into the heart of the Umbrella Corporation facility, determined to uncover the truth and save what's left of their world.

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  • 3 months later...
On 9/1/2023 at 6:13 AM, Keith said:

Prompt: Write a rap about being autistic and aromantic.


(Verse 1) Yo, I'm here to spit a rhyme, it's my time to shine, Autistic and aromantic, yeah, that's my design. In a world so fast-paced, where love's the main theme, I'm carving out my path, chasing my own dream.

I see the world through a different lens, that's my view, Sensory overload, but I push through. Autism's my superpower, it makes me unique, I embrace it with pride, let me speak, let me speak.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Verse 2) Aromantic, yeah, I don't need romance in my life, I find my joy in different ways, it's not just strife. I've got deep connections, friendship's the key, Building bonds that last, that's what sets me free.

Autistic and proud, I wear it like a crown, I break down barriers, I won't let them keep me down. My mind's a masterpiece, a colorful maze, In this neurodiverse world, we all find our ways.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Verse 3) I navigate a world that often misunderstands, But I'm standing tall, got the world in my hands. Autistic and aromantic, that's who I am, Breaking stereotypes, like an earthquake, I slam.

I'm the rhythm in the chaos, the calm in the storm, I'm carving out my path, I'm transforming the norm. Autistic and aromantic, hear my voice so loud, In this world of diversity, we all make it proud.

(Chorus) I'm autistic and aromantic, I'm rewriting the rules, In a world that's obsessed with love, I stay cool. I'm rocking to my rhythm, living life my own way, Autistic and aromantic, watch me slay.

(Bridge) This is my anthem, my unique declaration, Autistic and aromantic, I'm a vibrant creation. In a world of many colors, I shine like a star, Embracing who I am, just like you are.

(Outro) So if you're autistic and aromantic too, Know that you're amazing, you're breaking through. We're rewriting the story, creating our own say, Autistic and aromantic, we'll slay all the way!

All we need now is a beat and some synth chords.

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