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I asked Chat-GPT to explain why Amatonormativity bad

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Chat-GPT is an amazingly accurate text generator that can get almost any prompt (it can't do innapropriate stuff or talk about weight) and come up with a great response. This is what it came up with when I asked it to explain why amatonormativity is unhealthy:

Amatonormativity is the belief that romantic love is the most important, or even the only, type of love that exists. It is the idea that everyone should strive to be in a romantic relationship and that being single is not a normal or desirable state. This belief can be harmful because it places a lot of pressure on people to find and maintain romantic relationships, and can lead to feelings of inadequacy or shame for those who are single.

One issue with amatonormativity is that it can lead people to feel like they are not living a fulfilling life if they are not in a romantic relationship. This can be especially damaging for people who are happy and content being single, or who are not interested in romantic relationships for any number of reasons.

Another problem with amatonormativity is that it can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes. For example, it can reinforce the idea that men should be the ones to pursue romantic relationships, while women should be passive and wait to be pursued. This can be damaging for both men and women, as it can lead to unhealthy and unrealistic expectations about relationships and gender roles.

Overall, amatonormativity is a harmful and limiting belief that can have negative effects on people's mental health and well-being. It is important to recognize that there are many different types of love and relationships, and that it is okay to be single or to pursue non-romantic forms of love and connection.

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15 hours ago, whatistheromance said:

Chat-GPT is an amazingly accurate text generator that can get almost any prompt (it can't do innapropriate stuff or talk about weight) and come up with a great response. This is what it came up with when I asked it to explain why amatonormativity is unhealthy:

Amatonormativity is the belief that romantic love is the most important, or even the only, type of love that exists. It is the idea that everyone should strive to be in a romantic relationship and that being single is not a normal or desirable state. This belief can be harmful because it places a lot of pressure on people to find and maintain romantic relationships, and can lead to feelings of inadequacy or shame for those who are single.

One issue with amatonormativity is that it can lead people to feel like they are not living a fulfilling life if they are not in a romantic relationship. This can be especially damaging for people who are happy and content being single, or who are not interested in romantic relationships for any number of reasons.

Another problem with amatonormativity is that it can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes. For example, it can reinforce the idea that men should be the ones to pursue romantic relationships, while women should be passive and wait to be pursued. This can be damaging for both men and women, as it can lead to unhealthy and unrealistic expectations about relationships and gender roles.

Overall, amatonormativity is a harmful and limiting belief that can have negative effects on people's mental health and well-being. It is important to recognize that there are many different types of love and relationships, and that it is okay to be single or to pursue non-romantic forms of love and connection.

For Chat-GPT aren't the responses programmed by the people who made the software as well? Or is it a bit more variable? 

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On 1/6/2023 at 10:05 PM, whatistheromance said:

Chat-GPT is an amazingly accurate text generator that can get almost any prompt (it can't do innapropriate stuff or talk about weight) and come up with a great response. This is what it came up with when I asked it to explain why amatonormativity is unhealthy:

Amatonormativity is the belief that romantic love is the most important, or even the only, type of love that exists. It is the idea that everyone should strive to be in a romantic relationship and that being single is not a normal or desirable state. This belief can be harmful because it places a lot of pressure on people to find and maintain romantic relationships, and can lead to feelings of inadequacy or shame for those who are single.

One issue with amatonormativity is that it can lead people to feel like they are not living a fulfilling life if they are not in a romantic relationship. This can be especially damaging for people who are happy and content being single, or who are not interested in romantic relationships for any number of reasons.

Another problem with amatonormativity is that it can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes. For example, it can reinforce the idea that men should be the ones to pursue romantic relationships, while women should be passive and wait to be pursued. This can be damaging for both men and women, as it can lead to unhealthy and unrealistic expectations about relationships and gender roles.

Overall, amatonormativity is a harmful and limiting belief that can have negative effects on people's mental health and well-being. It is important to recognize that there are many different types of love and relationships, and that it is okay to be single or to pursue non-romantic forms of love and connection.

Wow, that's insanely accurate, way more than I would have thought for an AI! Tbh I wonder what it means for AI as a whole if just one AI can explain things with that little context (since amatonormativity is, let's face it, not talked about very much outside of aro spaces)

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23 minutes ago, roboticanary said:


I wonder if the fact this is rare to talk about outside of a small group helped in a way. If almost everything the ai saw on the subject was very similar and made the same few points that might be easier to work with than a subject with a huge variety of opinion.

I'm thinking that there would need to (and this is my rudimentary understanding of the science behind AIs) be some pattern recognition of all the different topics people who talk about amatonormativity, which topics are the most common, which topics are the most popular, different perspectives on amatonormativity, and so on (this is just me naming a few things related/relevant to AI and pattern recognition, not an exhaustive list). 

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