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Anyone like Harry Potter?


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Unfortunately the author of Harry Potter has put a lot of time, energy, and money into promoting some really harmful and cruel things, so I don't think most people here are likely to be Harry Potter fans. But it's cute art! Who's the artist?

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Omg.I completely forgot about what her views on certain subjects were before I posted this and I completely disagree with her.I'm not 100% sure who the artist is I was just wandering through the internet and stumbled upon it.

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That's fair. In general, if you find art on the internet, you shouldn't repost it unless you know the artist is ok with it, since this is considered bad etiquette- Imagine if you drew something and someone else copied it to another site without asking you or putting your name on it, right? If you see art you like and you want to share it, the best thing to do is to link to the original post (e.g. if it's art on Twitter, share the twitter link instead of posting the image itself). That way, the artist gets full credit, the art isn't reuploaded without their permission, and people who like their style can look at their other works too!

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8 hours ago, AroAcedragon13 said:


Charlie Weasley with a AroAce flag

I did a reverse google search and found the original artist for you: https://kaenith.tumblr.com/post/101061439418/in-honor-of-asexual-awareness-week-i-am-drawing

It looks really cool and so does their other work! 
In response to your question, I grew up with the Harry Potter books as they were being written and I considered myself a big fan back then. Now with the author being an awful human being the ‘magic’, so to speak, is gone.

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12 hours ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

Charlie Weasley with a AroAce flag

Thanks for posting this, very beautiful. Especially the dragon, really cute.

I don't know anything about Harry Potter and wouldn't even have recognized that this character is part of the franchise.

2 hours ago, Nix said:

In response to your question, I grew up with the Harry Potter books as they were being written and I considered myself a big fan back then. Now with the author being an awful human being the ‘magic’, so to speak, is gone.

Aside from copyright issues, that's another reason to not do fan fiction or fan art and instead create your own characters, or those that are truly part of shared culture. You don't know what the original author may turn out to be like...

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