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How does romance in media impact the LGBTQ+ communitiy, specifically those who are ace or aro?


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So for my English class  I have to write a paper about an issue I see in our world today and it must be a personal narrative. I was thinking about doing something on how media portrays romance. All the ideas I ever got of romance came from both the media and peers and I felt horrible for not feeling it...like something was wrong with me. Even to this day I struggle with this. The only issue with this topic is I can't find ANY academic journals on iy. I kind of expected this as the term aromantic is not discussed a lot but I cannot even find any articles on any group from the LGBTQ+ community.  I must use an academic journal...does anyone know of any that could relate to this topic?


ps: Also feel free to discuss your own experiences on how media shaped your perception on romance!

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I don't know of any academic journals on this. I'm sorry about that. However, the media has made me think that romance was a normal, but it never made me feel invalid or that I was wrong. I just accepted it, I suppose. I guess you could say that I was viewing it objectively. Thankfully, I've never been pressured into a romantic, sexual, etc., relationship because of the media!

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I know there's been a fair bit of research done on how portrayals of love in the media distort expectations, e.g.:






This kind of research isn't strictly about aromanticism, but it does give plenty of evidence about the pervasive and powerful impact of media on our concepts of what love is, and what kinds of relationships society tells us everybody should be striving towards. I think it'd be pretty reasonable to speculate in your paper that this pressure to have a movie-like romance hits people who don't want relationships at all even harder. 

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