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Your favourite philosophical or spiritual quotes


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It is requisite to choose the most excellent life; for custom will make it pleasant. - Pythagorean saying


It is better to suffer, than to do wrong. - Pythagorean saying

The best and greatest winning is a true friend; and the greatest loss is the loss of time. - Pythagorean saying


The virtuous man is driven by responsibility, the non-virtuous man is driven by profit.  - Confucius


Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useless. - Seneca


Without contraries there is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate are necessary to human existence. - William Blake


There are no sons of God, but there are mature and thus rational and perfect sons of the Cosmos. There is no Christ, but there is a brilliant man and a greater teacher of mankind.  - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky


Nothing exists, save atoms and their combinations. There is no atom, which wouldn't periodically take part in life.  - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky


This is the goal of all living, that the Cosmos may be known, and admired, and that it may be crowned with further beauties. Nowhere and at no time, so far as we can tell, at least within our own galaxy, has the adventure reached further than in ourselves. And in us, what has been achieved is but a minute beginning. But it is a real beginning. - Olaf Stapledon


In you, humanity is precarious; and so, in dread and in shame, you kill the animal in you. And its slaughter poisons you  - Olaf Stapledon


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. - Carl Sagan


Progress should not bow to fear, but should proceed with eyes wide open. - Max More

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On 6/16/2019 at 6:48 PM, Spacenik86 said:

In you, humanity is precarious; and so, in dread and in shame, you kill the animal in you. And its slaughter poisons you  - Olaf Stapledon


That's interesting...


I'm vaguely reminded of the Jungian concept of 'integrating the shadow'. But when I tried reading Jung, I found it somewhat impenetrable.


Whereabouts does Stapledon expand upon this concept? (source of quote?)

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20 hours ago, NullVector said:

Whereabouts does Stapledon expand upon this concept? (source of quote?)


The quote is from Last Men in London. Everybody who wants to understand Stapledon should read both Last and First Men and Last Men in London. The first is an imaginary future history, the latter - a narrative of a future human being exploring the mind of a guy from the 20th century. The future civilization of genetically perfected humans is able to transmit information back in time. The "slaughter of the animal in you" seems to be mostly about sexual repression. It is of interest to aromantics that Stapledon's future humans don't really have pair-bonding. They have "marriage groups" of 96 people for the purpose of uniting as a group-mind. There is of course sex within the groups, but they also feel free to spend literally centuries outside the group and pursue casual partners.

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The earth didnt need an opperation to be beautiful it just was. - Scott Wasterfield


The mind is its own place and in itself can create a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven. - Paradise Lost


If I cannot inspire love; I will cause fear.- Frankeinstien


It seams to me thst if you are I must choose between two course of action or thought, we should remember our dying and try to live so that our deaths brings no pleasure to the world.- Lucas Scott

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