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I have no idea what purpose leaderboards have, but the points are connected to the content you make. So the more points the more content. So you can see who is more active by looking at points or something. 

I guess the next logical step after having points is that we have a leaderboard for them?


The site has been having various glitches. I can't load it either and I am using Opera browser. 

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8 hours ago, Apathetic Echidna said:

I can't load it either and I am using Opera browser.


Same story on Firefox.


Definitely used to work for me before, so that's strange.

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I'll take a look. This is all related to an upgrade in php version.


As for the leaderboard, it's a measure of most active posters over the last week. You get a chance to win every week. :) I think I set certain subforums to not count, like off topic 

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