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Everything posted by aRowanAce

  1. Hey, have you listened to this?


    1. HelloThere


      YES. I listened to it for hours after it came out! I’ve found a kindred spirit!

    2. aRowanAce


      It is AMAZING

    3. HelloThere


      The last few minutes were just the absolute best as well. I swear I’ve listened to every good owl house song remix until it made me sick of it. XD

  2. You haven’t met the right person You just need to mature You should try harder You just have too high standards and my ALL TIME FAVORITE is I could fix that shut up and rejecting you is not homophobic or ableist random guy online
  3. You did better than me I was saved by my school’s 0.5 gpa boost for honors classes
  4. I just found out that my great grandmother and my great aunt have passed away. I have lost four of my family members in a year. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aRowanAce


      Yeah, I’m good. Didn’t know them that well

    3. HelloThere


      Been there. Just tell me if you aren’t doing okay at any point. Alright?

    4. aRowanAce
  5. after much stress report card came back and I got a 4.2!
  6. I feel like once I figured out orientation, identity came quickly after.
  7. aRowanAce

    teen corner

    That is pretty cool.
  8. aRowanAce

    teen corner

    I like the chiller vibe here than a lot of social media.
  9. That is just weird. Machines I don’t like but get. Animals that is just where does that come from
  10. I would love to but can't get either one yet.
  11. Okay so hear me out...

    But I love all of those things as well!!

    lumity is one of the few exceptions I have to disliking a romantic side arc. Also what about Gravity Falls and Amphibia?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HelloThere


      Oh yeah, and she doesn’t even find anyone (thank goodness) so after a while that just dies down and stays at friends.

    3. aRowanAce


      I did like Amphibia due to have almost no romantic subplots.

    4. HelloThere


      There’s plenty of shops between the whole calamity trio but so far nothings confirmed and I’d keep it that way.

  12. Thank you for the support
  13. Hi, I'm Rowan and I am Aro-Ace. I figured this out about a month a go and just found this forum. My pronouns are he/they/she. I actually thought I was bi or pan due to just having no context. I am a coder who would love to start drawing, but I end up very busy.
  14. My parents thought it was hilarious that when any sort of kissing scene came on. I always and will always look away.
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