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Everything posted by WizardGrayFire

  1. we could dye the rings black invading denmark has definitely been mentioned on many an aven thread lol
  2. i dare say there may even be restaurants gat serve garlic bread
  3. my friend actually went to denmark recently and brought back pictures of dragons they already have everything aces need to survive
  4. people just falling from the sky onto their enemies, just holding the arrows instead of shooting them ”it’s more effective to stab with them up close!” someone yells i’m in, if i remember that long lol oooh neat, “your replies have been merged” i don’t think i’ve ever seen that before
  5. what kinda- my friend we have very different ideas of what angel food cake is (although liking cheesecake better is respectable either way) also, true i guess? it depends what you mean by “serious.” i wouldn’t say i have any hot takes TPBM is Canadian
  6. i’ll take “i read that in the tune” for 200
  7. life without breath cold as death never thirsty, ever drinking all in mail, never clinking
  8. TRUE! how tf did you think i arrived here (and on aven) lol /lh TPBM can (or wants to learn how to) juggle
  9. true, even though i still think that guy deserved it /j (really tho, none of my bones have ever been broken. i am 8 out of every 10 americans) i built my entire personality and style around the gray and yellow color scheme, not knowing that i was stealing from the demigender community until like last week lol oh also the house of leaves is a really cool horror novel that has interesting layouts of pages,,,, there are some pages you have to continuously turn the book in order to read them, for example TPBM has watched “hurt.” by ice cream sandwich (the video i referenced earlier in this post)
  10. i have come out as aroace, technically (a big deal was not made of it, because my mom “thought everyone was like that” which is… suspicious. turns out she’s probably demiaroace, but won’t identify as that because she has no reason to) but have not come out gender-wise because i’m still figuring that stuff out TPBM has read House of Leaves
  11. false, but it’s in my school’s library and i really want to (i want to read more in general) TPBM has so many hobbies they have trouble keeping up
  12. True (I think?), I do like people TPBM likes musicals
  13. False. :/ TPBM memorizes riddles & prophecies from books even though they mean nothing outside of the context of the book just because it’s fun
  14. No, they might have already died. In fact, people who are already dead tend not to breathe at all, and can easily go without breathing for 4-6 minutes without dying School isn’t useful
  15. No, humor is generally not a healthy way to deal with serious issues. This is for many reasons, including the fact that it usually doesn’t actually solve the problem at all. Aros can’t possibly participate in drama and gossip because they “wouldn’t understand”
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