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Everything posted by TrueEvergreen

  1. I am currently at a track meet and it is raining... running is going to suck

  2. Sounds like a good idea! Hope it works out for you.
  3. No problem! Finding a space like that can be really important, and I can totally understand waiting to build confidence before joining (after all, I'm doing the same thing). Good luck if/when you decide to join!
  4. (Skip to the end if you want just the answer and not a story about my personal experience) While I don't have experience on the receiving end of this, as i still go by my deadname in person, I have some experience accidentally calling people by their deadname (when I was younger). I was in the same kind of position as the person you are talking about, where I had known the person by their deadname for a while, and this was also a time where I knew basically nothing about the LGBTQ+ community. I was finding it hard to remember to not call them by their deadname, but when they confronted me directly about it, I started to get better at remembering. Basically what I'm saying is you should try talking to them directly, and politely try to get them to understand that this is important to you, and maybe that will help them remember in the future.
  5. That 100 percent makes sense, and it's okay if you don't want to go, but if you did want to go you could try and pretend it is a different after school activity if your parents ask about it? On top of that you could see if the teacher/adult organizing it would be able to cover for you if your parents ask about it directly to them.
  6. One of the teachers organized a gsa at my school, but now I'm too nervous to go to it because i would most likely let it slip out that I'm aroace when I'm not fully out yet... it's really conflicting bc if not for that I would really want to go...
  7. I'd rather break one of my legs for a year than get married
  8. It should be fine, schools don't usually check that kind of stuff unless what you search gets flagged
  9. Well I now can't get into the arcade tab on this website from my school computer, somehow it's blocked separately from the rest of the website...
  10. Most of my classes still have one more unit before finals, so I don't really have to review yet... plus my school allows exemptions to people with an A- or an A, so I only have a couple to take
  11. False TPBM has been to another country besides the one they live in
  12. False, it's my least favorite part of math TPBM has a pet other than cat or dog
  13. This chat really does go dead every once and a while, doesn't it...
  14. False, I feel really awkward around small children for some reason... TPBM is in a school of any kind
  15. Hey. ADHD and maybe autism here (haven't been diagnosed though so I don't want to assume)
  16. False, I never rewatch shows really... TPBM plays an instrument
  17. True!!! TPBM has the kind of luck to lose ten coin flips in a row. (Repeating an old one that apparently never got answered)
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