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Everything posted by AroAcedragon15

  1. I GOT THE BOOK I WANTED!!!! I got The Sun And The Star yesterday and I'm so excited.
  2. I was feeling like shit bc of all the homophobia at school but then realized that it's gotta be embarrassing to be homophobic honestly like they have no valid arguments against queer people and hate people for no reason like???? Like all the slurs aren't fun to hear but at least I'm not embarrassing myself by hating people for something they can't control.
  3. I was in tech today talking to a friend and he called me she which is correct but I had a weird reaction like it kinda threw me off guard and it was kinda uncomfortable for some reason. I don't hate she/her pronouns but why did I have such a weird reaction to it? I also like they/them pronouns but I don't know what to do.
  4. Oh my. I don't think coming out is the solution unless you really want to. I think you should probably get some adult with some authority involved whether that's a teacher or a counselor or someone else. Even if the teachers/adults make it worse then at least they are aware of what's going on. This could be harassment or some sort of bullying. I would say just ignore them but I know how difficult that is. I don't know what your school is like but in mine coming out would make things so much worse so personally coming out would be my last resort scenario. I know how much shit like this can effect you I've gone through it and I'm still going through it.
  5. The intrusive thoughts won and I came up with a weird food combination. Popcorn and marinara sauce its not that bad I swear.
  6. The most vile thing is the dead frog in bio bc that thing is huge. It's horrifying honestly.
  7. Hiro Hamada (big hero 6)-aroace Tony stark-asexual Peter parker-biromantic asexual
  8. hi, if i saw this sooner i would have helped. I can give you a distraction now though? I played Frisbee in gym yesterday and it was easy and kinda fun and then the student teacher whipped out a test and had us take it?! It was about teaching cues? I also heard a joke a few days ago. What does a cloud wear under it's dress?
  9. I have good news. My algebra grade was a 80 but now it is a 96.
  11. I just switched it to this,thank you!
  12. I wanna switch my banner thingy on my profile but i don't know what to change it to. Any suggestions?
  13. hi! I'm aroace and my pronouns are she/they.
  14. I'm listening to louis tomlinson bc i still haven't finished faith in the future

  15. "Don't worry your frog is still fresh in the fridge"-My bio teacher to another student
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