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Everything posted by lovelyleaf

  1. Stimming is okay! Stimming is good. Stimming is normal. There's nothing about stimming to be guilty about. My favourite stim is rocking :)
  2. My favourite genres are metal, rock, and pop. Favourite bands are System of a Down, Twenty One Pilots, and Melanie Martinez.
  3. I have a blue swan popit and a smaller pink bow one that is clipped to my bag.
  4. I don't usually do this but I'm introducing myself. My name is lovely and my pronouns are they/ it/ leaf. I don't really know what my romantic orientation is because I don't understand romance. I don't really understand the difference between a romantic and platonic relationship. But I do think that a romantic relationship would be nice. I'm pretty sure I'm aro because there's a lot I just don't get and since I still wanna be in a romantic relationship regardless I identify as cupioromantic. Other than than I also identify as a bambi lesbian and plantgender. so anyways that's my identity and hi!
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