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Posts posted by dewy

  1. I feel like if I were aroace I would've known a lot sooner, because being aroallo wasn't even a possibility in my mind - whenever I heard about aromanticism it was always alongside asexuality. This is why we need to have more awareness on aromanticism.

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  2. I'm not sure if I'm polyamorous but I feel if I ever got in a romantic relationship it'd be good to be in a polyamorous one, because I feel like in a monogamous one I would be hung up on not being romantically attracted much or at all to my partner.

  3. That does sound super annoying. As long as you're not acting like your headcanon is the only correct one and that other people can't have different headcanons or erasing characters' canon identities, there's really no issue with any LGBT+ headcanons.

    When I see people with a different headcanon than me I'll just be like oh that's a cool headcanon and move on. I don't know why people argue about this, I just headcanon for fun and sometimes to relate to characters.

    Also as for Isabella, why not have her be both arospec and a lesbian? I love both headcanons and there's no reason we can't have both.

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  4. I think it's OK for you to identify with cupioromantic if that is what you feel and what makes you comfortable. If you change labels later on, that's totally valid, and I think it's just part of figuring yourself out. I actually used to identify as cupio myself. But of course, you don't have to label yourself right away when questioning. Take all the time you need to figure out yourself and what label(s) are right for you.

    I'd also recommend reading up on the aromantic spectrum to learn more. This forum is a good place to start, there is an FAQ on a good website on aromanticism linked at the top, as well as a list of romantic orientations you can look at if you want to learn about other labels. Browsing through the forum is also good, you can learn more about aromanticism and the experiences of arospec people by doing that.

    18 hours ago, Edin said:

    But i have my doubts because i have dated before, so it makes me second  guess myself, and i've been realizing that most of my crushes were forced onto me because i wanted to be normal like the other kids so i constantly just picked a random person and just went with it. and some i've even tried to force myself to like because i felt so weird not liking someone.

    I'd like to add, plenty of arospec people choose to date and/or have dated before realizing they're arospec, so that doesn't actually matter much when considering your identity.

    "Choosing" crushes or trying to make yourself like someone romantically to fit in is also a common experience among arospec people. For me, I did that a lot in elementary school, and I'd say that was my earliest sign of being aro.


    • Thanks 1
  5. - slime with some beads in it (using this one the most lately)

    - chewelry necklace with a star

    - rice stress ball (dont use this one much anymore)

    - a pop-it bracelet

    - mesh tube (love this one but forgot it exists tbh)

    - fidget spinner

    - fidget cube

    • Like 3
  6. As was discussed in in the discord, there were a few things in the video I did not think were done very well, but overall I think this video was pretty good, and I am glad to see someone bringing more awareness to aromanticism and asexuality. It did make me happy seeing a well known person be open about being aroace because I feel like there are very few aspec celebrities/public figures, at least that I know of. I definitely found some parts of her experience relatable such as "choosing" a crush and it made me feel happy and validated seeing someone else share my experiences being aro.

    3 hours ago, lovelyleaf said:

    What makes us human is our physical body and dna lol.

    Exactly what I was thinking! I think that part of the video was my least favorite part, since I myself have low empathy and found it a bit hurtful, and I just don't like the whole "[x] makes you human" thing in general.

    • Like 5
  7. 6 hours ago, SilenceRadio said:

    It's an extremely common experience (and one I'm currently struggling with a lot). Doubting doesn't necessarily negate who you are. Impostor syndrome is easy to have when you don't (always, fully) identify with the gender you were assigned at birth, because we get a lot of messages on how being trans and/or nonbinary is either not possible, or that we need specific requirements in order to be so, and we're afraid of not being the gender(s) or lack thereof that we want to be or feel we are. But that sort of doubt seems to be common enough for some people to consider it a "symptom of being trans", so I wouldn't worry too much.

    It's actually quite validating to hear that this is a common experience. Trans doubt is a viscous cycle, and I think a lot of my doubt is actually fueled by the doubt itself!


    1 hour ago, lovelyleaf said:

    I feel like a fraud since I present like my agab 🙃

    I feel that too, I can't present how I want to so I feel like I can't really correct people on my pronouns because my brain just goes "well, you look like your AGAB" and throws a lot of internalized transphobia at me.

    It is always important to remember that gender =/= presentation,but it can be hard when self doubt creeps in.

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