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Status Updates posted by Wesley

  1. Happy Valentine’s Day, fellow aros!!! Remember to treat yourself today! Also, just out of curiosity, are there any cool differences of the celebration of Valentine’s Day that you know of? (I live in the states)

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    2. Lovebird


      Called White Day, It's meant to be an "reply day" after Valentines Day, where the men do the standard for women. The day is so named to the assiciation with the colour white, representing purity and teenage love. These days though, it's become common for women to also give gifts to friends, colleages and other non-romantic male relationships. @the more the merrier

    3. the more the merrier
    4. aro_elise


      i'm half-estonian, and in estonia the 14th is sõbrapäev: friends' day.  (it was inspired there by the finnish equivalent.  apparently, some finnish students wear red if they're in a relationship and green if they're single, lol too perfect.)  platonic, familial, and romantic love are all celebrated, but the point of the holiday is that friendship is just as important, rather than it being an afterthought or something only single people celebrate.  so yeah, estonians rock.  

  2. Just had one of the worst panic attacks I’ve had in months because someone touched my bed #germaphobe#girlboss

    1. AroAcedragon15


      i hate panic attacks. :( i hope you're doing better now.

  3. A straight girl in my previous class just asked my sexuality, and I told her “AroAce,” she then continued to ask me a ton of kinda hurtful questions like “oh, so your going to die alone?” “you don’t want to get pregnant?” “so you wont have a wedding?” “that’s so sad and lonely,” etc. I hate having to come out to someone when they do this. Like, I encourage respectful questions, but what she did is why I am internally arophobic towards  myself. Luckily I have good friends, and when she walked away my friends agreed that she was unintentionally rude. :/

    1. A User

      A User

      i can feel the pain of this through the screen

      sending love <3

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