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Posts posted by SamwiseLovesLife

  1. My sister just told me this one-


    Mother: You'll want kids one day

    My sister (age 9): I don't! I never want kids

    *Roughly 4 year old* me: maybe I'll have kids to do my chores for me.. but I don't want a boyfriend! He can help me get babies then LEAVE.


    My sister told me this while we were discussing my (lack of) sexuality/Romantic inclination :rofl:

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  2. On 07/04/2016 at 9:02 PM, Natkat said:

    I think like we say transgender is people who did not fit into the gender they where asigned at birth/at what sociaty expected from them. Being aromantic spectrum mean not to identify within the amatonormative norm on how we are suposed to do romance.

    This makes allot of sense.


    I generally define it by 'the things that people do in a rom-com' or whether I feel like the people are monogomous to each other in the things they do- but then this gets complicated by Poly relationships!


    Some of the things I personally would define as inherantly romantic-

    - Kissing on the mouth (unless in a culture where this is a standard greeting)

    - Kissing with tongue/etc

    - Sharing the same bedroom/bed (not just sharing for a night or so)

    - Being 'faithful' to one another (unless in an open/poly relationship)

    - Giving gifts/letters/sentiment that implys romantic love (valentines cards that aren't stated as platonic)

    - Calling them your partner/lover/bf/gf

    - Getting married/Civil partnership/Other ceremonial promise to stay together


    I suppose I see romantic attraction as the desire to do these things with someone, and to have them love you more than anyone else

  3. On 04/04/2016 at 2:03 PM, piplup said:

    i used to watch spn & i never thought dean as aro O.o but now that i think about it its kind of cool since dean was my 2nd fav character (castiel was my 1st)

    I always related to Dean, so this makes sense to me :D


    On 06/04/2016 at 4:15 PM, breaddd said:

    I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but aro ace Luna Lovegood is my life

    I vote this one

    • Like 2
  4. The answers to section V are terrifying D::::::


    Being generous, and including all my past squishes/puberty/etc, I got 6 :rofl:

    These applied when I was a teenager and didn't know it was possible to not feel romantic attraction/didn't know what it was: 5, 39, 49, 75

    Quite honestly, three of those sound very much like someone who doesn't experience love but wants to. (for me, past tense)
    These were with Squishes- 15, 160


    I guess I'm not particularly romantic :aropride:


  5. On 03/04/2016 at 5:29 AM, DeMorgan said:

    I think that I may be gray-romantic because I'm still not completely sure exactly what "romantic attraction" is. I've always believed I was romantic, but I'm not sure anymore. Time will tell...

    Yeah this is me too


    I don't think I've ever felt romantic attraction, but it's hard to be sure what that exactly is, especially as the times that could have been, I was a teenager so made up many of my 'crushes' to fit in. Whether any had real feelings behind them I can't be certain, but I am 95% sure the ones with any truth were just aestetic attraction and admiration.

    I also say grey-romo because I wouldn't necessarily say no to a romantic relationship, despite prefering a platonic one. I feel like if I called myself Aro, any person with whom I might be okay with a romantic relationship (as this may be their preference/meet their needs) would assume I am a no-go and not give me a chance.

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  6. On 08/04/2016 at 11:06 AM, Cassiopeia said:

    You might be aro if you mistook sexual, aesthetic or sensual attraction for a crush.


    You might be aro if you thought romantic feelings described by others must be exaggerated.


    You might be aro if you never notice when someone has a crush on you, unless someone points it out to you.


    You might be aro if you broke somebody's heart by accident, even without realizing it, simply because you underestimated the intensity of their feelings.


    You might be aro if you felt suffocated and overwhelmed in a romantic relationship.


    You might be aro if the pet names people gave to their partners, always felt artificial and ridiculous to you.

    All of the above D: Being on this site really makes me realise how Aro I am.. I had previously assumed it was just part of being Ace.


    YMBAI you can never tell if someone is hitting on you.. unless they're so obvious that it's basically just a proposition

    • Like 7

    Light grey, colour. Coming from the land of tea and crumpets

    On 30/04/2016 at 5:22 AM, blacktea said:

    Green is the best colour, I also like other foresty colours like greys, browns, russet.

    Besides yellow these are my favourites too, earthy tones, plus blues

    • Like 1
  8. ENF P/J :D I got a huge on the E

    My P and J switch each time because I'm pretty much bang in the middle


    On 01/05/2017 at 4:48 PM, NullVector said:

    Whereas extroverted thinkers would tend to 'think out loud' and submit any intermediary steps to the group for feedback, so as to arrive at a more finished and coherent final thought by a kind of process of consensus (maybe - bear in mind I'm not an extrovert - but at least some extroverted friends have told me that they do something like this)


    Most definately what I do :) I feel bad for word-vomiting everywhere but I generally prefer group opinion and get so exited it all just comes out before I think

    • Like 1
  9. On 31/07/2016 at 10:01 AM, Sooty Owl said:

    I, for one, can't possibly understand how a lot of people seem to find extreme jealousy romantic. I just saw a post where a guy said that if a girl wanted to marry him she'd have to cut off all contact with other boys and everyone was gushing about how the fact that he was so protective was romantic and cute...

    No it's not, it's abusive.

    I totally get this! Whenever people would say "ohh I'm just not happy with him/her/them seeing x person because y". My answer (pre realising I'm Aro) has always been "... Why are you with this person if you don't trust them?" or "Why would they bother dating you if they want someone else?"

    Yes, It's creepy and abusive and reminds me of *shudder* Twilight..

    • Like 2
  10. On 15/05/2016 at 10:25 AM, Cassiopeia said:

    I used to hate Disney, and kinda still do.

    Well, most Disney. (I loved Lion King, cos it wasn't as focused on romantic love as the rest of them...and also, I used to think Simba was female, it had nice long hair, my first language has no gendered pronouns, and six years old me wasn't too well informed when it came to lions, so...anyway, that's another story:$)

    I NEVER understoood the Disney princess films. I mean, who wants to be a princess? Like all you got was to be locked up by someone evil (and badass) to wait around forever until you got rescued by a prince (who you had met once before in a field somewhere..). Why would anyone want to be that person???

    I also loved the animal ones :D Lion King is my fave too, the story of Hamlet is genius all round

    • Like 4
  11. On 2016-4-8 at 3:42 AM, hippiesthop said:

    Dated someone because you felt like you were supposed to.


    Literally all of my experimentation was this..


    YMBAI when reading a book, a romantic/romo-tense situation comes up and you laugh at the characters involved, thinking it ridiculous or juvenile

    On 27/05/2016 at 0:14 AM, Quinoa said:

    YMBAI you don't understand why tiny things like holding hands are so important to many people (The Beatles wrote an ENTIRE song about holding hands!). 

    YMBAI it took you awhile to realize it's easy for most people to tell if they have a crush on someone. 

    ..they did? But why o_0


    Ahh.. You've just made me realise how Aro I am..

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