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Queen of Spades

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Posts posted by Queen of Spades

  1. I like cuddling with people I have a very strong bond with, whom I see as best friends and whom I love in my own way. I hug all my friends, but it is only with the kind of people I just mentioned that I feel emotionally safe, warm, comfortable and protected - otherwise I kind of feel like ice. 


    As for kisses, it's more complex. I do the classic cheek kiss as a form of greeting with my regular (female) friends, and also when I congratulate someone or thank for a gift, etc. (don't mind). Mouth kissing: only with a boy I'm also sexually attracted to. A soft peck on the lips, which I'd use as a greeting form with a male queerplatonic partner, represents for me the line between sensual and sexual. It generally feels affectionate and warm, but it has erotic connotations because in the right setting (total privacy), it leads to making out and it turns me on. Neck and body kissing, as well as hugging/cuddling either partly dressed or with clothes off is sexual to me, so I'd only feel comfortable doing all these with a boy I desire(I'm straight) .If the bond between us is very strong (best friend to queerplatonic feelings), apart from turning me on, these activities give me a sense of total relaxation, ease and comfort. 


    I am strange xD

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  2. Well, there was this boy I met on Yahoo! Messenger 10 years ago. I was 11, he was 12. We were on the summer break. I found out he studied at the same school as I did. We befriended each other quite easily and we talked a lot, and one day he asked me if I would like to be his girlfriend. We knew each other well, we were good friends, so I thought that involved just our keep talking like we'd been doing until then, and maybe (because I simply thought that was the natural course) we'll have sex when we're old enough (like when we turn 19-20), so I said yes. We just kept talking, nothing more. He once sent me some romantic text message saying something like "my soul is crying at the thought I could avoid you, and my hope lies within you" - I didn't feel swept away or moved/touched, I simply said thank you and we kept talking normally. A few months later we lost contact (he changed his messenger id, my phone got damaged). I was reluctant to look for him at school during breaktime because the thought of people pointing at us and making the classical "X and Y sitting in a tree" assumptions pissed me off to a high degree. Something about that didn't feel right, if you know what I mean ;).  





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  3. I was 4 or 5 years old, can't remember exactly. There was this song which was pretty popular back then. The TV was on and they were playing it on my favourite music channel. I heard that line in the chorus which said "find some room for me in your heart". 


    Me (utterly confused): but she can't fit in there! the heart is just about the size of one's fist, she's way too big!

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    • Haha 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, SoulWolf said:

    To me, it makes perfect sense. No idea how other people will understand it though.


    My personal explanation is something like "I'm only interested in friendship". I wouldn't even consider "entering" a "relationship" anyway, because I don't really even know how that works... is it like a room with a door? Or more like a dungeon with a ladder? :rofl: 

    It's a queerplatonic life partner that I'd like to have. :P

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    Personally, I've never been able to grasp the purpose of dating. I can't tell from the start whether or not I'd like to pursue a relationship with someone I don't know well, let alone someone whom I don't know at all! I don't feel comfortable with it because the person who'd ask me out clearly feels that "spark", so there are certain expectations I am supposed to live up to right from the start!!! Besides, I don't get why we have to make extra efforts in order to try to impress the other person (dressing differently than usual, going to expensive places, etc.), and I don't understand the point of those "games" (if s/he replies to my message X hours later, I'll do the same ; why doesn't s/he call me already?! ; I'm just going to ignore him/her to see what happens). Why can't we just let things happen naturally by chatting, hanging out like friends do, and coming to each other's house?xD 


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  6. I'm already 21. I've realised for a while that the older I grow, the harder it will be for me to hide without awakening suspicion. I decided I could tell the truth without revealing the terminology behind it. Such as "I can't consider entering a relationship with someone unless we're very close/best friends in the first place". How plausible does this sound? 

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