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Tal Shi'ar

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Everything posted by Tal Shi'ar

  1. I'm not entirely sure if I have some repulsion towards romance itself, or other peoples attitude and emphasis towards romance being important. Seeing romantic scenes in tv shows and movies bores the crap out of me. People insinuating that romance would be a good thing for me because they themselves are romantic shits me off. That being said, I have had "crushes" before, but even then, I never felt inclined to actually pursue anything. Romance and relationships don't really mean anything to me. There's been plenty of times lately where I've even questioned if those crushes were completely romantic, or just semi romantic. Sure, I was feeling something directed at a particular person, but sometimes, I'm not sure what I was feeling towards them, although that's usually when I'm not crushing and I'm trying to reflect back on them.
  2. Not necessarily, this is even a sorta grey murky area for me as well. That's the tricky thing about being in the grey area: you might have some faint romo traits, but not enough to relate to being romantic. Sometimes that can get confusing. There's always going to be some doubt on which end you are, what you feel, how you think you'd go with relationships etc. It's like a romo limbo of sorts, for me at least.
  3. In spaces like that, its usually better off to avoid the subject all together, lest it turn ugly. Also, getting a partner should be something you actually want, not something that you think you have to do to fit in, or something others tell you that you should do.
  4. I'm used to people coming and going, and then sorta disappearing after getting a partner or getting married or whatever. I don't care about it either, so that's not a problem. Other than that I really can't think of anything off the top of my head at the moment. Edit: Back in my early AVEN days the only thing I got sorta concerned for was that if I did end up with a partner, and then having a whole heap of people throw "oh so you're not ace after all" crap. So I spose that's something.
  5. Earlier in AVEN chat, someone was asking that if they could draw 1 object that would best describe their romantic love, what would it be. Between me and another person, we ended up deciding that a flaming toilet is a very appropriate object to represent romance.
  6. Tal Shi'ar


    #lowercaserebelsftw #submissionisfortheweak
  7. Well, since there's been a few other topics carried over from AVEN, we might as well do this one as well.
  8. Actually, I think it was Japanese that we were doing, but as far as I can remember I think this was moreso a pointless excersise and more of a novelty thing
  9. I remember in primary school, in one of our classes, We had to write someones name that we adored or something on a little love heart thing for Valentines Day. I asked the teacher that what if there wasn't actually anyone we could write, and they said that's impossible. Needless to say I struggle for quite a while before just writing the first random name that came to mind.
  10. Those moments when you're watching a DVD with certain people, and they'll let the romance/sex scenes play out, but fast forward the really cool battle scenes, and you're left sitting there disappointed.
  11. I never really thought about it. I thought I was just normally straight if anything, having been "interested" in a couple people and finding girls aesthetically attractive. After being on AVEN for a while I went with hetero grey ro, deciding that was a better fit than anything else. There was a few times not too long ago where I was wondering if I was leaning towards being more aro though.
  12. I'm nearly 27 and I've never felt inclined to be in one. I've never felt like I'm missing out on anything. It actually gets annoying when people insinuate that I am missing out on something when I don't particularly care in the first place.
  13. I consider myself grey ro, although I have had a handful of crushes, about 10 or 11 in total, I've never had an interest in romance what-so-ever. I'm not entirely sure the crushes I had were entirely romantic either. Also, the frequency which they happen seems a lot more sporadic and happen a lot less often than someone who's normally romantic.
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