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Posts posted by ScarfOfSexualPreference

  1. Hello!

    I'm going to try to say this as straightforward as I possibly can. 

    Life is going to be difficult. Especially love. And you're going to have to have some patience when it comes to being sure about something. Honestly, I hate the way that is, as I'm only sixteen and only want to come out as are when I'm sure. 

    The phone call was over before it started.

    Gloria liked the way he looked. She liked the way he would tease her and make jokes. She liked how kindly he always treated her, how he always put her in front of himself, how kind and thoughtful he was, how competitive he was, how fun he was to watch movies with, how amazing he was to be around.

    But she didn't love him. 

    When they cuddled she felt safe but not because of him. When they kissed she felt happy, but it wasn't his doing. She didn't like the pet names or the PDA.

    It wasn't the way he looked. It wasn't his personality. It wasn't the little things that annoyed her sometimes. It wasn't any of that.

    And that was the hardest part. That she was going to have to lose her closest friend.

    "I think we need to break up."

    The pain was strange. It felt freeing to finally be out of the relationship, but suddenly there were no memes exchanged over iMessage. There were no check ins. There was a hole. 

    But the hole could be filled with friends and family. Gloria didn't need a boyfriend to be happy. She shouldn't have to lie for happiness. 

    Gloria wouldn't mind if she spent her whole life without a romantic partner.

    And that's okay. 


    Hope this helped! I know that labels can be scary. Especially if you're telling others about it, maybe even non-accepting parents. But you should know that going through labels is pretty normal! For a long time I thought I could be a lesbian because I obviously didn't like guys, so I must like girls, right? 

    I guess my point is that you REALLY shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself. As you go along living your life, take note of what makes you feel happy and fulfilled and keep pursuing those. You don't need a label to enjoy pottery but not sex. Just live you're life! 

    We're all here for you. :) 

  2. I'm so excited to have found this place!!!!! There aren't enough exclamation points in the world to express how elated I am to have discovered aromanticism and everything that comes along with it!

    For years I've been so confused with myself, trying to figure out if I was straight or lesbian or bi or what was wrong because something must be. And now, looking around on this forum, and seeing how everything fits feels SO GOOD! 

    Even though I'm probably not going to 'come out' anytime soon, it just feels so relieving just... knowing. Knowing that there's nothing wrong. Knowing that I don't have to make up crushes for my friends or justify my distaste for romance. 

    I'm just on cloud nine right now and I want to share that feeling, because it's the best!!!!


    On a separate note, is this site shutting down? I saw that it was, but it's April and it hasn't disappeared, so I might as well post while I can, right?

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  3. I had a year-long relationship with my co star in my eighth grade production of the Little Mermaid, and I'm pretty sure I just started to project the feelings I'd made up for the role onto him and couldn't figure out that what we had wasn't romantic for a year. 

    On 3/24/2020 at 8:36 PM, Guest ArrowheadAce said:

    I remember breaking up with the second guy after a relationship and thinking, “Now i’ve lost a friend. We’ll never talk and play games again.” I was more upset about losing a friend than I was about the relationship ending.

    When I broke up with him I was so relieved, but the only reason I ended up missing him was that I'd probably never tease him or get meme texts from him again. 

    Also, I hated the PDA, and told him that I was worried it would make others uncomfortable when it was really me who was uncomfortable.

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