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Posts posted by Kojote

  1. Your Raw Score is: -360, which indicates that overall you are Androgynous

    Your appearance is Androgynous

    Your brain processes are mostly that of a Male person.

    You appear to socialize in a androgynous manner.

    You believe you have mild conflicts about your gender identity.

    You indicated your were born Female.

    Female to Male possible Transsexual 


    Uhm... ok? Sure.... 

    a lot of you said it already, but boy is this test loaded with stereotypes and culture-bias. I was also dyslexic as a child and I happen to not own a car... and even if I could own one, most just aren't practical on European roads... what do you need an SUV on a smooth highway for?! And just don't get me started on the body type/measurements section.... that was so...Just nope :facepalm:

    Does it even have a "you're perfectly ok with the way you are" option as an analysis, if your results are nonbinary? 

    • Like 3
  2. As I see it, your gender identity is a character trait, not an appearance trait. Appearance can help make you be perceived as non-binary (or punk rock, or a hipster, or a businessperson), but it's not what being non-binary is about, at least it isn't to me.


    Could you redefine your question? Do you want to have tips on gender-neutral clothing or on personality traits and behaviors that could make you non-binary? Do you seek clarification, because you have trouble understanding the concept from an outsiders perspective or advice on how to present yourself as non-binary?


    (and this is getting off-topic. maybe make a seperate thread?)

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, aihpen said:

    I lean towards demigirl, maybe genderflux, but how would I know if I don't understand what exactly gender is (I read so many different explanations, but none of them is concrete enough for me to fully get it)

    You could always start out with just "non-binary", which is quite the umbrella term for every gender identity that doesn't fit neatly into male or female and just take your time, figuring it out =) 

    I identify as agender for example, because I never felt comfortable getting any gender assigned to me at all. Kind off the same way being agnostic works for religion. You know it exists, but it holds no meaning for me personally and I honestly couldn't care any less, no matter how hard I try.


    You can also have more than one identity, since some are not mutually exclusive. Take Genderflux for example. It means you feel this one day and that way on another day. It does not mean that you fluctuate between male and female though. It could, for example mean that you fluctuate between agender and demigender. 


    As for explaining gender... I don't think I'd be of much help xD As someone agender I never quite got it myself. 

    • Like 2
  4. I never liked children. Even as a child I didn't like children, who were drastically younger then me. My grandma told me, that I once took a children's buggy and rolled it out of the door. I was very careful as not to disturb or harm the baby, but I did close the door on it. So no way, Jose!


    I don't think my romantic orientation has anything to do with this, though. If anything, I'd rather say my gender identity plays a larger part here. At least if we speak about giving birth to a child instead of adoption. I already have plenty trouble with some other markers of my biological gender. The image of me being pregnant feels like a scene ripped from a horror movie or a nightmare xD" I'd rather not think about that to much....

    • Like 8
  5. Just now, aroMa(n)tisse said:

    It's called 'androsexual' ('gynesexual' / 'gynosexual' in the case of attraction to women), 'androromantic' etc. The terms were invented exactly because NBs were unsure whether to call themselves gay or straight.


    Didn't know that! Will use that! Sounds a bit weird thought, makes me think of a gynecologist xD But good to know. 

    • Like 1
  6. Agender here. I actually get very confused about the whole gender concept a lot, because orientation (both sexual and romantic) kind of relies on your own gender identification? 

    If you identify as gay, it's not enough to be attracted to men, you yourself have to be male aswell. There's no word for "attracted to male-ish stuff" xD 


    As someone who is agender in mind, but passes as female in body no matter what I do, I put a small "homo" on my identity chart on the left, but honestly? It feels a bit wrong, since I'd rather not be classified as female =\ So it doesn't so much influence my attraction as it just makes labels confusing xD

    • Like 5
  7. Mine actually told me something similar through the flower, but concerning me being sans-romantic partner (I'm not out to her)


    She told me an old friend of her's had a hard time finding someone, too. So as soon as she went to college, she started using something that was basically the predecessor of tinder to go and have casual sex with different guys. Now she's happily married and has children... 


    It was honestly such a weird story, I just burst out laughing instead of getting angry at the "shag until you have children"-advice xD Thank you very much, mom! Though, on second thought, no, thank you very much, I'd rather not. I'd like to get neither children, nor partner, nor STDs, thank you kindly. 

    • Like 11
  8. Why do a lot (not all) of allos seem to only exist for their partners, when freshly getting one? Is it such hard work to kick it off and make it stable before you can deviate your attention away from it again? Or does this have some other reasons? 


    I get that this differs from person to person and not all do this, but I've seen allos do it a lot before, so I at least know it's a thing that can happen. And I never could quite wrap my mind around it 

    • Like 8
  9. 22 hours ago, Rising Sun said:

    That said, in a romantic sense only. Since I was little, I always had these dreams about one very special friend, a life companion, but it never was romantic in nature (imagining it as something romantic was rather repulsive). This is the reason why I tried dating, because I always knew that people don't want this kind of companionship if it isn't romantic, and the few exceptions are too rare to expect a miracle (that was before Internet somewhat solved the problem though)


    That's kind of true for me, too. I have hoped for a companion in life, but I never even knew that that companion could be non-romantic. I plainly didn't even know that romantic attraction could be separated from sexual attraction. So I actually did believe for quite some, that I had to find the ONE(tm), with whom it'd feel right. I never could get myself to date though. Even back when I didn't know I was aro. it was just to appalling. 

    • Like 4
  10. It depends. Am I forced to watch it, because of the situation I'm in? Cause then I think that most people wouldn't like it. 

    F.exp. theres a couple in a group event and they won't stop sticking to each other like glue and displaying affection. That's just plain rude. If you didn't want to be there for the group, just go home, but don't turn it into your two-person make out party... at this point, I'll even be bothered by flirting and hand holding, because again, this is a group event among friends, if you're that into your partner, that you've forgotten to care about anyone else, please just don't attend.... 


    I'm at a café, in cinema  at a lecture, at public commutes and someone is making out infront/besides me. This is more concerning deep kisses, groping and dry humping. Again: simply rude, really not the place for that! You're kind of dragging other people into your PDAing If your into that, there's clubs for that! Open spaces aren't your living room. Usually, the closer they sit next to me, the more pissed I'll get. At least got your own corner... :facepalm:


    Other than that I don't mind at all. As long as I don't have to actively notice it, I'm completely able to blend it out =) If it makes them happy go ahead and show your affection in any way. Just, please, remember a simple thing if you want to get a little more intense: Can people walk away and ignore you? No. Well then don't.

    • Like 2
  11. I like my alcohol (except wine and creme liquor) just in the same way that I like my coffee, tee or any other beverage xD 


    I also like to open a beer with my roomie in the evenings after a stressful day or enjoy some Whisky (which is my cats name xD). I also like to drink socially with friends the most

    I never drink to much though, because yes, aftereffects of alcohol suck and they don't do much for my personality. I really have no other reason than that I actually like the taste =)

    • Like 2
  12. It actually depends everywhere. I like cuddling, because to cuddle with someone already implies closeness/that you feel comfortable with the person in some way. Hugging is super nice, too, with said person, but I do find the concept to be weird among strangers (as a greeting?) I sure do love to hug(tackle/punce) with friends though, but if someone hugs me out of the blue, I'll tense up. 


    Kissing is more complicated and loaded. I do like short kisses, but again, only with people I already like as a person to begin with (or sometimes cute girls). I feel bored with elongated french kissing though. It just feels mechanical and somewhat yucky to me. 


    It's just, I've become wary of all these things by time, because when I still perceived them as harmless, others felt they send "mixed signals". Avoiding "mixed signals" has become way more of a huge deal to me than any kind of comfort I might get out of any of these touches, which is why for now, until I'm completely relaxed and trust the person, I'll probably tense up at anything anyway xD" 

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  13. These are songs I like to listen to specifically because they make me feel like they talk about aromanticism (which they probably don't, but I've decided not to care). The first one helped me through a though time, were people I cared about deeply told me that they loved me. I felt like the villain back than, because I wasn't able to reciprocate their feelings and this song helped. 

    Specifically the lyrics "I think it's best, if we both forget, before we dwell on it"


    Life for rent is really more of a recent song, that became relevant to me. Since I've moved a lot/will move a lot in my life and can't make romantic connections, I sometime's feel like nothing is really mine. Which is why I currently connect to this. 
    Lyric: "I apologize but once again I'm not in love, but it's not as if I mind that your heart ain't exactly breaking"

    Love, Love, Love - Of Monsters and Men
    Life for Rent - Dido


    Songs I like for non-aro reasons 

    No Son of Mine - Genesis

    Times are a changin' - Bob Dylan (Watchmen Version)

    Ghost Rider in the Sky - Johnny Cash Cover
    Last Unicorn - America (also Walking Man's road)
    Fine on the Outside - Priscilla Ahn
    Every Rebecca Sugar song ever, but especially this one



    Yes I realize I've got the music taste of my parent's and grandparents generation. Why are you asking? :P 

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