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Posts posted by breaddd

  1. Oh yes, you all knew that this topic would come up sometime. Don't even try to deny it.


    I was thinking the other day about crushes and squishes, and I was wondering how people can tell the difference. From what I've heard, they're very similar. Usually the distinctions vary on the person. What do you consider romantic and what do you consider platonic?


    I've heard some people say that a squish is non-romantic and non-sexual, but I think that sexual attraction can come with platonic attraction. Otherwise FWB just wouldn't exist or be a thing. Although I've never really had an intense squish that comes with sexual attraction, I do think that it's possible.


    My friends say they always get fluttering feelings in their stomach and they think about kissing them and stuff when they're around their crushes. They think about their crushes all the time. Maybe someone who experiences romantic attraction would want to add to this?


    My definition of a squish is:

    1. You think about them. When I get squishes I think about them all the time and I wish they were with me to share experiences with them.
    2. You want physical closeness. When I'm around my squish I hug them and I put my arm around their shoulder. I might sit close to them. The thing that I don't want is kissing. That's what usually tells me that it isn't romantic. I've never felt the need to kiss anyone I've had a squish on before.
    3. You enjoy being around them. When I'm around my squish I smile a lot and think "I love them" and "They're the greatest" etc.


    Some thing that I've noticed that help me differentiate from a crush are:

    1. NO KISSING. Kissing is just so weird...*shrug* I don't like it.
    2. No jealousy. I've noticed that I won't get jealous when people are with my squish.
    3. I don't think of them as a romantic partner. This might just be my mindset, but I can't think of my squish as a romantic partner. Being friends with them just seems natural. We can talk about who we find attractive and where we want to go after high school, and we're friends. Nothing about my attraction just feels like it's romantic in nature. Although I do want to be with them and think about them a lot, I just can't imagine myself being romantically involved with them.


    One last thing: has anyone ever had a squish (edited because I said crush first) on an alloro person and has been in a QPR or something of the sorts with them? That's been a problem for me because alloro people don't normally understand the concept of QPRs and that's what I want, but I'm afraid it would be weird to ask them about it. I don't really know many aro people irl and squishing on alloro people seems to be unavoidable.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, PhysicsOwl said:

    My Quidditch team is at Nationals, and they've won both of their games so far! I'm not there, but one of our games was on the official live stream which was really cool. 

    Quidditch? Quidditch! QUIDDITCH! xD 

    Your post also made me happy.

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