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how do I sleep without a binder and not get dysphoria attack



I recently get a binder and it helps so much and I can't seem to function without it. I recently started sleeping with it on but it hurts so much when I get up and I have started getting bruises on the lines of my ribs because it is squishing to much. but the nightmares of my body go away when I wear it so I don't know what to do I don't want to wake up in pain but I can handle the nightmares.

Edited by Spadster
sorry I can't spell dyslexia sucks
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Hi, I'm going to put on my Trans Parent Hat for a moment here:

DO practice safe binding!! it's SO important for the future of your health. Unsafe binding can lead to breathing problems, back issues, and skin irritation, and other things. 

  • Bind no more than eight hours at a time, ideally less, and allow for your chest to rest in between for at least some four hours (ideally more - your sleeping time, for example!)
  • Do not sleep with it on, do not exercise with it.
  • If it hurts, take it off.
  • Try to do stretch exercises before and after binding. There are some great ones online: they're mainly about stretching your ribcage and breathing deeply.

I know chest dysphoria is so damaging and limits your state of living, this is very hard. Please do also keep the health of your body in mind. 

When it comes to sleep, is sports bras an option for you? They allow for more movement, and also flattens your chest a little (it's no binder, i know! but it might help). That + what Arsenic suggested may help you!

All my sympathies to you, i know how hard this is. I hope this helps you!

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