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does anyone know how to get a QPR?


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Hey so i've been identifying as aro for a while now and i've been really wanting a QPR but i have absolutely no idea how to get one. Also do QPRS also have to be aro or do they not? i mean i would prefer if they were but i still don't know how to meet other aro people and get to the stage of friendship where a QPR is an option. I dont know im confused, can anyone w experience having a QPR please help. 

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A qpr can be between an a-spec and an allo, yes. Further than that, I have little experience. As long as every person agrees to the qpr and knows all the info, there shouldn't be a problem. How do you get into one? Well when you have the persons and you trust them financially, emotionally and physically you can ask them if they would get into a qpr and you explain what that entails. There is not a guide to be in a qpr, every qpr is special and can be different. As long as everyone is commited, and happy there should not be a problem. Hope this helped.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I just registered here cause it has taken me a long time to accept how I am. But the first question I see is the same that I have been asking myself all along. It was comforting to see for the first time that there are way more people looking for the same thing that I am than I could imagine. And at the same time I felt a little bit helpless that this is not an easy problem to solve.

Sorry for rattling when I am not helping you, it is just my first time on my 23 years of life ever registering on a forum, so I've got no idea if I am being a botter. And it is my first talking about this so it is a bit refreshing :)

Gosh how I wish there was some app or some other social media to talk with other aro (if someone knows some, please tell me!). I am the epitome of antisocial (it took me an our to decide whether to submit this or not...) and have almost no friend to even talk about everyday things, so would be nice to finally have someone in the same situation to befriend, I am still struggling with all this (°-°)

An eventual QPR would be the best!

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