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Shadow Hallucinations?



I’ve been seeing shadowy beings for a while now. It’s happened 3 or 4 separate times now and I don’t know what to do.


I’ve tried to connect the circumstances that I’ve seen them but nothing matches up. I feel crazy for wanting to see them at all but they’ve put me into such a paranoid state. I’m curious and terrified to find another.


The last time I saw one was in April at a party after taking a shot of tequila. It was for a split second and it was running towards a dark corner.


No noticeable features aside from its humanoid appearance and an eye. I’ve always seen them running toward me or trying to grab me. 


I’m just asking what could’ve caused these hallucinations and if I should mention them to a doctor.


Edit - I’ve seen a couple of questions so I’ll answer them really quick.

The circumstances are quite random when they appear and there was only once I experienced them on the same day, but I was just watching a movie. 

They disappear after looking at them for a second and they usually appear in the corner of my eye.

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3 answers to this question

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I'm no medical professional so I couldn't give you advice there but I developed a theory a couple years ago that any "hallucinations" could be the brain detecting a person (or other entity) in another timeline or dimension. I've heard that the veil of illusion is thinning and that people are beginning to see things they wouldn't see otherwise.


Let me ask you these:

1) Do you think these figures appear at random times?

2) Upon trying to look directly at the figures with your physical eyes, do they seem to disappear?

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The best option would be to mention them to a doctor, there's a possibility they're not a medical issue; and there's a possibility they are, the best way to figure it out would be to detail the experiences to a professional ♥

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