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Lunar Nova

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Everything posted by Lunar Nova

  1. im not sure, maybe because our generation has gone through a lot at young ages, but you'll get through it because I got through a really dark spot in my life too. I made it through because of my friends. Im not going to leave you in a time of need. so I'm here for you okay? for now, I can tell you about something funny that happened a few minutes ago lol I was sitting in my 8th period and randomly get called up to the office, I was confused but went down anyways. to find out that someone found out that I liked to crochet and brought a pretty good-sized bag of yarn and had the receptionist give it to me. I walked back to my classroom after getting it and I couldn't stop smiling like genuinely happy. and the first thing my ADHD thought was "How hard do I have to swing this to injure someone?" cus it was a kinda heavy bag lol
  2. *hugs back* let it out. in real life too. scream into a pillow, hug a favorite stuffed animal listen to some music/comforting sounds (mine is rain) or just watch a nostalgic movie
  3. im sorry about that.. itll get better i promise
  4. save me. im taking a big stupid test.
  5. Mustashe (how in the world did you get Grian form that XD)
  6. it's your life, not her's if she doesn't like that then tough luck on her.
  7. idk, never thought about it being checked. though if i do some things might make more sense.
  8. I ran outta yarn- it looks more like a scarf rn lol
  9. I like to vacuum a rug a specific way each time. While I was doing something else my brother decided he wanted to help by moving the chairs and table, though that's not the way I do it, I move the chairs to specific places so they can go back into the same spot and I leave the table there and vacuum small bits at a time. when I realized it I got upset because they were doing it wrong by the way my ADHD was seeing it. Vacuuming the rug was my job and I did it the same way each time
  10. https://youtube.com/shorts/uCtIu74o1fg?feature=share
  11. your welcome! i made a friend IRL who has ADHD aswell and its a funny relationship lol
  12. that counts yeah ^^ you did use the right word
  13. yeah, we have it happened a while ago-
  14. its greeat funn especially when it kinda causes a small argument
  15. am i the only ADHD person who gets annoyed when certain things arent "done right"?
  16. ew (just the texture thoughhhh) Mixed PB&J
  17. if I know how she is (which I should because I put up with her for almost 11 years) she will pretend she didn't do any of the things. I do want to do so, I don't see her much (thankfully) and while she had a nice 'you're my best friend' tone I just all around felt uncomfortable and wanted to get out of there. I honestly try my hardest to avoid her because she practically bullied me. like if she caught me hugging a mutual friend of ours (used to be anyways, I'm still best friends with her though) for "too long" or at all really she would threaten to kick me and actually do it sometimes. Often times hard enough to leave a good-sized bruise, more than once.
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