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Everything posted by Valerie415

  1. Aw Hopefully school goes quickly :3
  2. That's great :3 Great job !
  3. Little babies :3 I love them This thread will never die o7
  4. Oop Well I mean we've still been more active than AVEN's teen corner recently which is cool :3
  5. That's cool :3 I'm not sure I'd ever get a pet snake, I just like hanging out with them whenever I come across them
  6. Silly silly dust :3
  7. Aw :c It's March break so I don't have any choice but to deal with all the things you mentioned :c We'll all make it through frfr :3
  8. Just be sick so you don't have to go frfr
  9. Yeah that's what I love about them, I like animals that'll just chill around you and they look really cool :3
  10. That's really cool :3 My favourite is probably the garter snake because they're the ones I come across most often, they just chill in the woods, all but one snake in Canada is non-venomous so generally snakes are harmless little friends here
  11. Hai there ! I'd love to hear about snakes, would you like to tell me about some of your favourites ?
  12. I vote we meet at Hans island to covertly walk across the border
  13. Seeing as I'm pretty sure we're all within at least 3 hours of eachother I vote we localize all of our operations around CEST
  14. So real true valid and based frfr It's the perfect strategy !
  15. But We have to ride into Greenland then :c
  16. o7 See you out there comrades
  17. First we take europe ! Then the world ! All bread will be ours !
  18. Of course ! We'll take all of their bread :3 The aspec community will have a monopoly on all european bread dishes
  19. [I start to sit down and frown because I was very excited for the garlic bread]
  20. [I proceed to have garlic bread with and ride the aro dragon]
  21. I'm a lil' late to this but I'd also like to wish you a happy birthday :3
  22. It is here too Neither of us should be awake
  23. Oh oki sorry, I'm a lil' too eepy to remember what tonetags are rn :p
  24. I'm sorry I didn't mean to :'c
  25. Hoi there Been a few months, took ages to remember my login :p
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