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Posts posted by Keith

  1. On 3/3/2024 at 4:20 AM, smac n cheese said:

    I have two native languages, including English, so idk if being bilingual is enough to fill this in or not... (probably not)

    I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY... But I asked my friend, and she said you can still fill it out!! So, the choice is yours. :DD 

    On 3/5/2024 at 11:47 PM, N1GHTM4R3 said:

    Soooooo... U want me to fill it out?


  2. I can't say for sure, since it's constantly changing, but I'd love to study psychology, or any other similar people-related subjects. I wouldn't want to become a therapist, because I don't think that job is suitable for me. I'd however love to be a part of like a research team, so that my input would've been beneficial for people working in professions that do require the direct therapist-patient contact. And if I didn't get to study psychology, then I'd probably go for some sort of philology, since that's something I'm rather good at. Besides, I enjoy getting to know other cultures, so it's really a win-win option.

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  3. Genderqueer is an identity on its own, so it's more than fine to just use it without adding anything else!! I think it's important to remember that you don't have to specify anything (not that there's anything wrong with it!! I just meant that microlabels are supposed to help you, and that they're not mandatory).

    However if you do feel the need to be specific about your gender identity, then you can go through the LGBTQIA+ wiki and find something for yourself (at least that's what I did). There are also platforms such as reddit and tumblr, where you can learn a lot (I do warn you that these communities can get really weird sometimes).

    Either way, I hope you'll get the answers you're looking for!!

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