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Posts posted by MaxIsCosmic

  1. 40 minutes ago, pulchritudinous_toast said:

    Did you feel any repulsion after kissing him? Or was it more-so fear of him not reciprocating or something? That alone can say a lot, but if you're unsure that's okay too. Of course, I don't know your experiences or feelings firsthand-so, I can't say for sure-but to me, it sounds like you're somewhat lithromantic/greyromantic. I would recommend to test the waters more, but only with communication. Tell him how you're feeling unsure, but willing to try. It's important to be open and honest to make any relationship work, whether it be platonic or romantic. It's completely understandable to be scared, and if you're too uncomfortable with whatever you decide, there's nothing stopping you from cutting the current status of the relationship short or changing it. If he truly cares for you, he'll understand.

    I’m pretty sure it was repulsion and concussion and it was more of a fear of him reciprocating I like people but I don’t want to be in a relationship with them and I looked up lithromantic and I think that is me a I’m still not 100% sure tho 

  2. So I know I’ve felt romantic attraction before but it seems to to fade after it is ether reciprocated or like a week into the relationship it may be cuz I think they are pretty but it never lasts, my friend was at my house yesterday and I thought I liked him so I decided to test the waters and gave him a peck on the forehead immediately after I regretted it and talked it of as platonic, he obviously likes me and I thought I might like him but now I am 100%sure I don’t he also think I am comfortable with kissing and stuff like that and I am definitely now. I don’t know my romantic identity and I’m uncomfortable and kinda scared 

  3. 10 hours ago, Tinkere said:

    I hate being shipped with friends :’)


    Everyone thinks that me and my close friend at school, Gavin, are dating. He’s in love with me, and obviously since i’m aro, I don’t reciprocate. Everyone always teases me about our “relationship”, and it makes me want to punch someone. For instance, today: 


    For some reason today Gavin’s mom was in the hall cause i think she may have came to help him with his class scheduling for next year, anyway so she’s walking down the hall (and i didn’t know it was his mom), and im walking to the cafeteria and this girl who’s convinced we’re besties is like

    me: “huh?”

    me genuinely confused: “what??  are we even talking about?????”

    her: “i saw gavin’s mom  😏

    and i literally muttered “jesus christ why are you like this “ under my breath



    i hate people like that….


    I was also standing next to this dude I hardly know, and some girl was like “wow, I can see you two being a cute couple haha”


    and i’m just like

    ….no thanks

    That’s the worst everyone ships me and my friend Matt and he literally wears an aro pin and people are still like ‘omg are you dating’ 

    • Like 6
  4. On 5/4/2022 at 12:47 PM, SkyTuneRein said:

    BDSM, like many fets/kinks, does not necessarily have to involve sex or sexual interaction. One can partake in it without sexual gratification or even arousal. Kink/fet play is very much a grey area when it comes to sexual play.

    Oh so they are like obsessions? 

    17 hours ago, aro_elise said:

    yeah it's mostly about power dynamics, consensual of course, could be sexual, non-sexual, or both--some people have a "24/7" bdsm relationship.  for me, as you might guess, it's strictly sexual.  i'm glad to answer any questions :)

    Well I do have a question what is bondage and sadism I think I know the rest but I don’t know those two if it’s to weird fee free not to answer.

  5. On 4/29/2022 at 11:18 PM, aro_elise said:

    it's actually 3 initialisms:

    bondage & discipline

    dominance & submission

    sadism & masochism

    so any of that stuff falls under it--of course they often overlap.


    Oh ok, so it’s like different types of sex? (Sorry if this is weird to ask I just don’t know) 

  6. I have a friend he is aro and I’m Demi romantic, we have a very cuddly friendship we hug a lot and I sit in his lap sometimes (idk it’s just comfy) and a person asked if we were dating and at the same time we said ‘ew no’ 

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  7. On 4/20/2022 at 4:38 AM, Cocothecoconut said:In most cases it’s sexual. A kink/fetish is when you’re turned on by an object or body parts. Like there’s some people who are turned on by feets, leather, latex, balloons, bondage you name it. It can also be in the more weirder category, like besides being into BDSM and having fetishes like bondage and  leather i also have some weirder kinks. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone you shouldn’t be ashamed of your fetishes/kinks.


    Oh ok that’s interesting thanks for explaining 

  8. On 4/14/2022 at 12:42 AM, nonmerci said:

    Ok, we have to make paronoia an official word, if it doesn't exist yet.


    I have requested it be added to the oxford dictionary I’m trying to get it into others. I am going to make this happen 

    • Like 8
  9. So I was thinking we have an aro ring but there are lot of other aro identities that don’t have rings to match. And since I’m on artist block if you want to give me some ring design ideas for other aro identities (basically describe what you think it would look like) I’ll draw it and I’ll try and make it if I have the supplies for it. 

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  10. Ok so I’m 14 so take my advice with a grain of salt 

    the choice is up to you weather he likes it or not. If you like the idea of having a child and being a mom/dad/parent then go for it but if not then an abortion may be the best option. Also be sure you are mentally ready for a kid my mom and dad weren’t so as a result I have a lot of childhood neglect issues that still happen today.

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