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Posts posted by SoulWolf

  1. When I have some trouble with a friend, and I try to Google for ideas and possible solutions, and all the results that come up are all about couple problems instead of friend problems, when I specifically typed in "friend"...


    I just sigh and read them anyway, and try to adapt what they're saying... but then realize that over half of what they're saying would be kind of weird to try in a friendship context. Meh. :facepalm:

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  2. I got about 15-20 on the test. 20 is kind of pushing it, and I'm not sure I interpreted all the questions correctly. Some of them kind of half-applied but not really.


    But most of the time I was looking through the points and going "WTF, is this seriously what most other people experience, and they LIKE IT?!" ... O.o


    I think it's safe to say that those times when I thought I was in love, I wasn't really, and I've been misunderstanding sooo many things people have said all along. And I've actually been in 3 relationships. All 3 times it was like "well, this person likes me, and he seems like a cool person with good qualities, maybe I should see if I can muster up some feelings for him"... and I could muster up something, sure... something like love, but nothing crazy like this romantic nonsense.


    On 17 June 2016 at 0:46 AM, Blue Phoenix Ace said:

    Sure, something like that. I will try to get in contact with James and see if he's OK with us using the questionnaire on our site.


    I found his email address and reached out to him. We'll see if we get a response.

    Did anything ever come of that? It'd be an awesome test to have in checkboxy form... and maybe a bit shorter. Something easier for people to get through, because I'd really love to know what scores people I know IRL get...

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Simowl said:

    Please say this guy just wants to be friends and isn't actually flirting....


    This... :facepalm:


    And I have that same fear with girls, too, on the rare occasion that I actually get along with one well enough for it to be an issue.

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  4. INFP here.


    Very interesting how common INTJ's are here, considering how rare they are pretty much everywhere else. Not surprised that nearly everyone here is an introvert though.


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  5. I can sometimes notice if a person seems hot... this has only happened with males so far. But I don't feel any desire to do anything about it. It's just kind of like... "well, that's nice to look at... now try not to look at it!" ... or something. It's a bit distracting and annoying, to me. Luckily it doesn't happen often. :)


    That's for random strangers though... with people I'm close to, it's different. Then I can kind of feel a bit of a desire to 'do something', but only if I'm sure they'd welcome it, or honestly they'd have to make the first move anyway... I'm usually quite happy to just do nothing at all... it's simpler, and I don't want to screw up any friendships. :P


    I don't know, I don't really have enough data to draw any conclusions. I haven't technically ever 'had sex'. I'm not sure how I'd react if that looked like a real possibility of a thing that might actually happen. I don't think I could do it unless I 100% completely trust the other person and we've been really close for a long, long time.


    Sexual attraction has always felt like a 'dirty' thing to me. Like something I'd rather avoid. There was a time when I thought it'd be fun to do naughty, dirty things, but the novelty of that train of thought wore off when I discovered that I am, in fact, actually capable of feeling love for a person (for a long time I thought I couldn't really do that because my feelings never really matched the descriptions of what other people were talking about).


    I'm rambling and I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. :P

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  6. I've spent a large part of my life thinking of "plain" love and affection as the real thing, and being annoyed at romantic people for ruining the meanings of these words and many other concepts.


    I like thinking of love as water. There's pure water, and there's water with added minerals, flavours, contaminants, whatever. Pure unconditional love is the meaning of love as it was originally intended. Then there's all these other "types" of love that people talk about, which are basically just extra additions on top of pure love (I'm pretty sure it is there in most cases, even if it's hardly noticeable).


    I've ranted many times about people contaminating the meaning of love, but no matter how much I explain it, most people still don't really get it.


    How would we go about reclaiming these words, though? I think retaking the words would be really, really difficult though, considering how much of a tiny minority we are... but it'd be awesome if we could.

    • Like 5
  7. I most definitely never ever want to be pregnant or spawn any humans... the thought of that just makes me feel disgusted. I don't find babies cute at all... I also don't particularly like most kids. They are humans, so I like some of them, but as a generalization... no (same with adults). They seem to adore me for some weird reason though... like someone else mentioned, I just treat them like regular people, so maybe that's why. That is what they are, after all... just small people. I never understood why people invent an entirely different alien personality for themselves when they're talking to children. It just seems insulting to both parties somehow.


    I'm cool with adoption, but I still don't think it'd be a good idea for me to do that. I don't enjoy spending so much of my time doing things for someone that, honestly, someone else would be way better at than me anyway... I should be doing other things with my life. :P

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