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Posts posted by Karst

  1. Personal style doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sexuality.  Worst case scenario, you might get mistaken for a lesbian, but no one's going to call you out for Appropriation.  Anyway, queer fashion isn't neatly divided up by orientation and gender.

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  2. There are some episodes of Doctor Who that still give me the creeps.  Also, this isn't a movie, but my dad got the idea at one point to read me some Edward Gorey before bed, which terrified me for years.

    On the other hand, The Dark Crystal (which seems to be a pretty common childhood fear) left me totally unfazed.

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  3. I can feel pain in my dreams- last night I had an unpleasant one about moths that landed on people's hands and sucked their blood like mosquitoes.  It felt like being stabbed with needles.

  4. I mainly just use "non-binary" to describe myself, but I'll get more specific in queer spaces.  I'm agender (AFAB), and my gender presentation leans more towards the masculine side.  I'm not terribly attached to any particular gender label, to be honest.  I just know that I'm not a man or a woman.

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  5. Side note: Bi people get hit with a lot of the same BS from inside the queer community. 

    Some people just don't seem to get that you can pass as straight (or cisgender), but still have to deal with issues due to lack of understanding and acceptance of your sexuality/gender.

    We shouldn't reduce the queer community to a contest of "who's the most oppressed".  Everyone has unique struggles in life, and just because someone else is in a worse situation doesn't make your problems less real.

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  6. On 5/11/2021 at 2:34 AM, nonmerci said:

    To keep it simple it is used by aros who don't differentiate their romantic and sexual attraction, or aros who think sexual attraction is not relevant to their identity.

    I personnaly don't use the term but I see why some people do. I never really cared that much about my ace side. I don't feel the need to talk about it, to search about it, I don't have the feeling that it affects me that much. On the other hand, aromanticism affects my life in a lot of ways.

    So it makes sense to me that some people just don't label their sexuality, if they feel it is not that important for them.

    I feel pretty much the same way- not having a partner tends to be more immediately visible to to others than not having sex.  That said, I still see being ace as an integral part of my identity.  Maybe it's not the cornerstone of who I am, but it's still there.

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