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Posts posted by alto

  1. 3 hours ago, AroAcedragon13 said:

    i'm reading multiple books at once,Dear Evan Hansen,Trials of Apollo #1,The Titan's Curse(again) and a couple more books

    I didn't know DEAR EVAN HANSEN was a book!  Who's the author?

  2. I don't really feel that way, but then again I'm 28 and only figured out I'm aroace last year.  I have been considering this stuff for a long, long time.  So it's a bit different for me.  Also, I'm good at what some people would call "doublethink".  Like when I have squishes/crushes, I am good at reconciling it with my identity.  I know many aros get squishes, but for me it's still something I have to reconcile because it's not the stereotype.

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  3. I would consult someone wise.  I know this isn't the same thing, but when I realized I was a therian, I was in shock for about a week.  The things that helped were talking to my girlfriend (who was trans and said we had a lot in common), and talking to a local psychic (who didn't say anything in particular, but was just comforting in general).

  4. On 9/20/2022 at 6:50 PM, Angrboda said:

    I always hear my fellow aros say that they have no desire for romantically coded activities, but what that means seems to varry quite a bit. Some saying that dating & marriage is fine, just so long as they don't have to kiss, others saying that kissing isn't all that bad but holding hands, cuddling, & using pet names is out of the question. How do you feel about the different aspects of romance? What sounds good? What are some things you might tolerate? What are the hard passes?

    Kissing is a HARD PASS.  Holding hands, cuddling, and pet names are all fine by me if it's the right person.  I used to have a friend who called me things like "cutie" and "beautiful" all the time, really miss that.

  5. Hey.  I am not sure where to put this, so I put it here.  Hope you don't mind.


    I have a good online friend in Estonia that I am concerned has either already killed himself or is planning on killing himself soon.  I have tried to call 911, but they can't handle international calls.  I have tried 211.  They told me to call 911.  I tried a suicide hotline too, but they told me they couldn't do anything either as they are not based in Europe.  911 told me to try and talk to Estonia's local government.  I have emailed the Tallinn police department.  However...email is email.  And I can't do international calling.


    I don't know any of his friends or family so I can't warn them.  I don't even know his last name.  I only know his first name.  However, I do have his phone number.  Maybe they could trace him that way?  If you think you can help, PM me.

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