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Posts posted by GhostyPeppers

  1. 13 hours ago, teresasunset said:

    hey!! and i’m not very experienced with horror yet (i’m kind of a coward) i just love the aesthetic! also, horror novels are my shit :))

    Ah don't worry! I completely get that. I've stayed away from horror for a while due to my anxiety, but my love for it has grown over the years.

    I also appreciate the aesthetic side of horror/gothic things as well. Either way, you seem pretty cool!

  2. Hey mate, glad you were able to eventually come to terms with your aromanticism! Im still in the process, yet this little community has been helping me out with that a lot. You'll fit in perfectly.

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  3. I don't know much about QPRs either, but from what I've heard, it usually contains the same elements of a typical "romantic" relationship (living together, spending time, strong emotional connection, etc) without anything you may consider romantic (kissing, cuddling, s*x in some cases).

    I think it really depends on what kind of boundaries the two (or more) members of a QPR decide on.

    As for me, I wouldn't mind some casual affection in an otherwise non-romantic QPR, but someone else in that QPR might not want to engage in that activity at all. It's best to find someone you like being in the company of and figuring out what ground rules to set down.

    But like I said, this is just information I've absorbed over the last few months. I haven't had any actual experience myself, but I encourage you to look into it because it sounds like your cup of tea.

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  4. I have a very weird question for anybody in the aro-spectrum: Do you think your aromantic orientation impacts your relationship between friends?

    I guess I've always had a strong platonic connection with other people, yet it took me many years to realize that a lot of allos don't see friendship that way or feel platonic feelings that strongly (bit of a generalization, though). I mean, I rarely get bummed out over past relationships after a short period of time, but it is really hard for me to get over a loss of a friend, even if it's been 2-3 years since it happened. I also find myself getting an emotional high when a friend says ILY (platonically) or expresses some sort of approval. Alloromantic people?? Don't seem to react the same way as far as I've seen personally?

    I don't want to make it sound like I don't think allos experience platonic love at all, but I've been told my dedication to friends is more on the extreme side.

    I would like to hear how you think your aromanticism impacts how you see/interact with your friends and non-romantic loved ones.

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  5. *slight NSFW talk warning*


    Im currently iding as an alloaro, and I can safely say that I do feel sexual attraction. In fact, I think I feel it pretty extremely if I often confuse it for "romantic" attraction. Puberty hit me like a bus. The minute I reached that age, I could not stop thinking about those kind of things. I guess the best way I would describe MY personal experience with sexual attraction is catching myself staring at attractive people and allowing my brain to just roam freely with that. I cannot control WHEN I feel these things, but I can definitely control how I act based off of that, if not acting at all. I never actually did anything with anyone outside of suggestive flirting, but I do enjoy doing other sexual things by myself.

    Its just something ive always felt from an early age, so in my mind its "normal". The ultimate difference between sexual and aesthetic attraction (I think anyway) is "Are they just pretty in general or is there anything specifically I want to see/do with this person if given the right to?" Because I have seen attractive people I otherwise didn't want to physically engage with.

    Hope this isn't too explicit.

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  6. On 5/15/2016 at 2:15 PM, breaddd said:

    I also didn't like the idea of marriage; I remember thinking that I didn't like marriage as a third grader, but maybe that's just because I was a third grader xD the point is that my views never changed.

    As much as I LOVED the concept of romance when I was younger, I would always get anxious with the idea of getting married to someone or moving in with a romantic partner, and I didn't understand why for the longest time? Maybe I was worried about being tied down for too long. Tied down to one specific person who might suddenly become abusive or nasty. I don't know if that actually has anything to do with aromanticism, but I've mention that fear to people before and they all found it weird.

    On 7/16/2020 at 5:20 PM, emmafriendly said:

    I didn't realize this was a tell at the time, but I didn't actually have crushes. I remember just picking someone and decided that they were who I was going to have a crush on next! And I genuinely thought that was how crushes work.

    Im like 99% sure I did the same thing since Elementary school

  7. Hey! My name is Lucas, but you can simply call me Ghosty! (He/they) I have recently been identifying as aromantic (possibly freyromantic) after trying to force myself into a typical alloromantic lifestyle. I have been in 4 romantic relationships before I realized what the problem was; I didn't actually feel romantically attracted to them. It was either sexual or sensual attraction I was experiencing, sometimes I think it might have been a really strong platonic attraction. Whatever those feelings were does not matter now. I have broken many hearts due to either a confusion of feelings or the loss of actual attraction in general. I don't know what else to talk about, but if anybody has any questions about my personal experiences, I would be more than happy to answer.

    I just need to be in an accepting community because everybody I know is allo in some shape or form, which isn't bad, but it can feel isolating sometimes.

    Oh, besides the aro stuff, I also do a lot of art. I still like shipping fictional characters as much as the next guy. IRL romance just does not mix with me.

    I hope I did the introduction correctly?

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