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Louis On Air

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Posts posted by Louis On Air

  1. 20 hours ago, techno-trashcan said:

    If you're born into that culture/live there for long enough I'm sure in most cases it becomes as natural as a handshake. If it's something that's been a part of your daily life for a long time, it wouldn't seem so romantically coded or uncomfortable.

    True. I've known that's standard in France since I was little so it doesn't phase me. Although if it happened in Quebec I'd find it weird because it's very métropolitain (France French).

  2. 1 hour ago, Quinoa said:

    Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope... and did I mention nope. 


    I am SO glad I don't live in a country (or even region, since it seems to be a thing in some regions of the US) where people greet each other with kisses. I realize it's not my place to judge their culture, but I wish people would ask before doing that. People in general should get consent before physical contact, unless they know the person and have already established that they like that type of physical contact. Also, it should be considered okay to decline physical contact, and not some social taboo. 


    But that's just what everyone does. To them it's not really any different to refusing a handshake and you don't even make actual contact between the mouth and face, just cheeks.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Space Triangle Goddess said:

    if youre not good at typing why dont you visit  a thread that doesnt criticize you for it more often than you currently do

    like one with no capitals or punctuation

    i think youd be quite welcome there

    No promotion of lesser threads please. We all want a successful knock-off of Capslockia but this is not the place for that.

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  4. No matter what happens the sun will rise tomorrow.


    That is my favourite half full/half empty quote (although it's commonly positive I changed it from 'tomorrow is another day, the sun will rise,' so it's more reflective of one's innards).

  5. 3 hours ago, Zemaddog said:

    Is it just me or has shroomie posted nothing? How do you even do that? If that's the newest comment for 24 hours does it win even though it's not actually a comment?

    It was probably a space bar press in which case it is a comment but an incredibly nihilist comment on everything.

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