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The Angel of Eternity

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  1. Ascension has been difficult for me. I know I chose this before birthing here. Carry on I must.

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    2. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity

      Oh yes, growth on a "higher level" definitely can be difficult, especially when others cannot relate and/or think you're crazy. For example, Ray Maor is a breatharian; he inspires me to pursue breatharianism. If I told my family about this, they surely would freak out and worry for my health. Some things we must keep hidden from most people.

    3. NotHeartless


      I think so too, I mean that your family would freak out. And sorry to be "that person" but please be cautious with pursuing breatharianism. I say that because a young man from my home country died this year in an attempt to live with the concept and other people obviously too (according to research). I'm not going to tell you what is right for you and I hope you informed yourself well enough. I'd only like to point out we have material shape and should not ignore the fact we are part of this earth, our bodies need certain things because in this form right now, we are bound to universale laws of nature.
      I understand your POV because I like to fast and benefit greatly from it (for physcial health and spiritual progress).
      And it's perfectly fine to discover your (bodily) boundaries, experience hunger or thirst for a certain time since it gives you a new perspective on things but still please don't overdo it unless you want to live (or die) with the consequences.
      May you do well.

    4. The Angel of Eternity

      The Angel of Eternity

      @NotHeartless Yes, I do fast. In fact, I just went a whole day without eating or drinking (to help purge toxins from my body and reset my digestion system). However, Ray offers an initiation process for Breatharianism that I'd have to undergo; I'd be supervised by professionals, so I would benefit greatly from that. My family would probably freak out if they found out I signed up for and was headed for such an event. Once they would see the positive transformation I gained, however, I think they'd be more fascinated than freaked out.

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