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The asexuals and the sexually transmitted disease


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The asexuals persons also can contract sexually transmitted disease (STD) the sexually transmitted disease are infections contagious after to have sexual relationships but a person that is considered asexual is probably can contract these illnesses very contagious everybody can arrive to contagiate us of sexually transmitted disease there are someone persons that someone day of their lifes had sexual relationships and they has contagiated of sexually transmitted disease but the asexuals is that would contagiate their of (STD) there are an asexual person that has sex but after discovered that is carrier or is contagiated of this disease what would do this person after of this declarate asexual alone because is asexual and is contagiated of sexually transmitted disease goes to do asexual the asexuals persons do not arrive to have sex but there anothers that yes but they do with partner but their partners would are contagiated or are carriers of the disease but the sex always has been unsure of alls away clearly the persons with sexually transmitted disease would declarate as asexuals for avoid the disease and contagiate to the others being asexual do not means that the for a simple illness you would leave to have sex the sexual relationships in others words are not sure always with the sames tips have good sexual hygiene and use preservative for avoid a sexually transmitted disease (STD) but there are persons that exit of the closet as asexuals after to do a diagnostic of (STD) and that is possible than that person wouldn't have sex and is possible what to also the asexuals can end to contagiated or carry the illness the sexually transmitted disease always had existed and what do is sure and have always sure sex and avoid muchs sexual relationships with muchs persons the asexuals don't have sex frecuently can masturbate but somebody contagiate them of sexually transmitted disease oneself?


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