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How on earth do you write romance fanfiction???

I'm trying to write a Doctor Who romance story on ao3 (Third Doctor/The Brigadier, yes classic Who is good), and I thought, how hard could it be? Very. I just keep describing the characters history, and like sorta all that stuff. But I've never been good at dialogue and how the hell do I convey attraction through a character observing another character's appearance. Like yes I know the Third Doctor is like a silver fox and a smooth talker and whatever etc, but how do I make it not sound sooo cheesy??

For example, this is some of what I've got 'It started with small looks, at first only of gratitade and respect, but then slowly developing into affection and trust', 'His mid-length grey curls and velvet coats made him seem like an action hero, especially with all the running and saving the world he did. It made the Brigadier both in of his achivements, and also his dashing and loyal attitude'

Yes I know I already can't write stories/fanfiction to save my life, but omg romance is definatley not a strong point. Any sort of advice would be cool, I think I'm gonna try again in the morning.

BTW for context, these characters are not together in canon, but are work colleueges/defenders of earth from aliens. Also its the 1970s.

Probably not the best place to ask for advice, but at least some people may be able to relate to my struggles!!

PS does this count as off topic? Couldn't really find an active area to post this, plus just I need general advice on how to write any part of fanfiction lol

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Honestly, romance tends to make people sound cheesy, so I think you can just lean into it. Your example is not at all over the top. It sounds pretty dang accurate to me. The cheesiness tends to dull more the longer people get to know each other and the honeymoon period wears off. The honeymoon period lasts anywhere from 3 - 12 months on average and during this time, people tend to view their date (or crush) through rose-colored glasses. It's only after that euphoria starts wearing down that you really start learning that you are in fact annoyed by some of the things they do and that they may trigger your pet peeves and such.

I also don't know why you're putting yourself down. The few lines you shared are interesting and have a hook. You sound like you're pretty dang good at telling stories to me.

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Well I suppose this story will be the defining answer to my storytelling abilities! These characters have known eachother for about 2-3 years now (well technically they've only met twice before the Doctor is forced to stay on earth and becomes more involved with the Brigadier, but still...) Trying to reformat it so I can get more used to writing dialogue, plus its in the style of the 1970s, one is a military officer, and the other is an alien, so I don't suppose its the most traditional story. Thing is, one of the characters, (The Doctor) can change his face to avoid death. Makes relationships rather difficult, but I suppose this will only be about the Brigadier's feelings towards the Third version of the Doctor so I dunno how much I'll involve that whole thing. 

Terribly sorry lol I'm in ANOTHER Doctor Who phase (they come and go every couple of months), and I will use any excuse to just overexplain it. Any other Doctor Who fans on this forum?

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Ah, but have they been romantic for 2 - 3 years? While a romantic relationship is not "more" or "better" or a relationship and friendship isn't "lesser", the two are different, and when those transitions are being made, people involved in them do start seeing each other differently. There's different feelings behind their interactions. Things you always found annoying can become cute in the honeymoon stage. Things that never mattered in the friendship can become grating or annoying while dating. It's why people aren't automatically compatible in any type of relationship just because they get along on a casual manner. Friends can be amazing friends but totally terrible together in a sexual and/or romantic sense. Sexual partners may have wonderful sexual compatibility but not work in a platonic or romantic sense. Transitioning from friends to romantic can still bring out that cheesiness.

(Sorry, yeah, Who is one of the fandoms I've never gotten into.)

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13 hours ago, hemogoblin said:

Ah, but have they been romantic for 2 - 3 years? While a romantic relationship is not "more" or "better" or a relationship and friendship isn't "lesser", the two are different, and when those transitions are being made, people involved in them do start seeing each other differently. There's different feelings behind their interactions. Things you always found annoying can become cute in the honeymoon stage. Things that never mattered in the friendship can become grating or annoying while dating. It's why people aren't automatically compatible in any type of relationship just because they get along on a casual manner. Friends can be amazing friends but totally terrible together in a sexual and/or romantic sense. Sexual partners may have wonderful sexual compatibility but not work in a platonic or romantic sense. Transitioning from friends to romantic can still bring out that cheesiness.

(Sorry, yeah, Who is one of the fandoms I've never gotten into.)

Don't worry!!! I suppose Doctor Who (especially the 1963-89 run) is kinda niche to people nowdays :)

No, these characters previously didn't have a romantic relationship, more so everynow and then the Doctor would pop up and help the Brigadier with alien issues.

Its only really at the point where the Doctor has been exile to earth that the two characters have become more connected.

Really getting into writing it, almost at the love confession...

PS ummm so I was on this forum on my old practically deceased chromebook, so that it can go igcognito (no browser history) and it crashed and won't turn on. Lets just hope none of my family try and turn it on and it works :D

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