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I have a question about being demiromantic


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Hi, i am wondering, if i might be demiromantic. I know that i am aro spec for sure. I read as much as i could about being demiromantic but one question remains for me: How close do you have to be to a person that you have this "strong emotional connection"? Does it always require a long time to build this connection?

Because i felt (what i think it is) romantic attraction only twice in my life (i am 23 years old) and both times after having some (deep) conversations with them, after learning about who the are, their values, their characters etc. But it did not take a long time, only a few days or weeks until i experienced romantic attraction. Can this still be called demiromantic? Or something else?

Maybe it was for me already a strong connection because at this time i did not have friends or deeper social contacts? Is this possible? 

Any ideas, advice and help are very much appreciated! I am sorry if this question has already been discussed, i just could not find information about it. Thank you :)



Edited by ItIsRaining
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I can't speak from experience because I'm not demiromantic, but here's something I found:

"- You desire romantic relationships, but do not develop instant crushes or fall in love “at first sight.”

- When you first meet someone you find attractive, there’s an absence of romantic attraction, although you might be sexually attracted to them or want to pursue a friendship.

- You strongly identify with the “friends-to-lovers” genre.

- After looking at your dating history, you notice that romantic stirrings only began once a heartfelt connection was forged.

- It’s easy for you to have a sexual relationship with someone, but love only happens after you’re emotionally invested."


I hope this helps at least a bit

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  • ItIsRaining changed the title to I have a question about being demiromantic
3 hours ago, Frogrobin said:

"- You desire romantic relationships, but do not develop instant crushes or fall in love “at first sight.”

- When you first meet someone you find attractive, there’s an absence of romantic attraction, although you might be sexually attracted to them or want to pursue a friendship.

- You strongly identify with the “friends-to-lovers” genre.

- After looking at your dating history, you notice that romantic stirrings only began once a heartfelt connection was forged.

- It’s easy for you to have a sexual relationship with someone, but love only happens after you’re emotionally invested."

Thank you for your answer! I can relate to most of your points, so it is definitely helpful. 

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