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This street gave off so many aroace vibes


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E5D1F781-B8F3-4EF8-867A-5551AA97C40F.jpeg.6824da20982ace75eda8823d4c070422.jpegThis street is puerta del sol, Madrid, Spain. Gave me such aroace vibes, they had these shades over top to provide shade. It was a really fun street (I got to stop at Hard Rock Cafe!)


it’s such a pain converting from HEIC to JPEG, I hate Apple for this reason.

anyways, I really enjoyed europe. I’m currently in Madrid airport. Boarding UAL164 in the next 30ish minutes.

now off to the states to see moi chiens.


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It looks so pretty! You made quite the trip :)

On 7/17/2022 at 9:44 AM, ArrowAce said:

it’s such a pain converting from HEIC to JPEG, I hate Apple for this reason.

Ok, I know you didn't ask but if you want your iPhone to save pictures as .jpeg instead of .HEIC you can change that in settings > camera > formats > check 'most compatible' instead of 'high efficiency' (/teacher mode)

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