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I recently accepted myself for being transmasc. and lately my dysphoria has gotten really bad and I don't know any ways to cope with it especially since I live in a transphobic family. if you have any advice I could REALLY use it. 

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I understand you, dysphoria sucks and it gets worse after realizing you are trans. I don't know which are your circumstances but when I wasn't out to my family as transmasc I used some things to deal with dysphoria.

1- Find some haircut that you like and you find "manly", but worn by a girl. You can tell your parents "can I get my hair done like this GIRL? It is super cool right now, you know?". I don't know, it worked for me.

2- You can use makeup in a subtle way to make your face and neck look more masc. There are a lot of tutorials and images to achieve this.

3- Dark hair usually makes you appear more masc.

4- Body language is even more important that the appearance, you can work with that.

5- If you can't buy a binder, you can use an sports bra. If you wear two sports bra, but each one looking in one direction (I mean, you wear one in the normal way and the other one looking backward...(? I don't know If I am explaining myself) it will work good as a binder.

6- Darken your eyebrows, it works.

7- If your dysphoria is very high, try to shower just before going to sleep. This way you will be able to put on comfy clothes and getting under your blankets and relax (and cry if you need to).

8- There are some foods that increase your testosterone and lower your strogen. You can find them easily in google.

9- Try to do some sport to build-up your body in a manly way (if you want to). Do some shoulders and back workout, for example.


This is all I can think right now. Hope this useful for you, and if you want to ask something feel free to do it.

Edited by ArseNick
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As ArseNick said, body language is super super important!! I read a while ago that men take up more space, if there were an invisible line on the ground women tend to walk on the line and men walk with a foot on either side if that makes sense? When you’re walking around, try to match the steps of guys walking in front of you. It feels stupid at first but it really helped me feel better.

Sports bras in general are really good, just follow basic rules of binding with that and be safe (don’t wear two sports bras for more than 8 hours, take one or both off if it hurts at all, try not to do any exercise, don’t sleep with two sports bras on, etc.)

For showers, I shower with the light off and music on (loudly). Be careful with this please, especially if you’re clumsy or prone to tripping or something

Be safe, and take care!!! I found a lot of silly little tips that actually help me feel better myself on Pinterest, so maybe check there?

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4 hours ago, ArseNick said:

I understand you, dysphoria sucks and it gets worse after realizing you are trans. I don't know which are your circumstances but when I wasn't out to my family as transmasc I used some things to deal with dysphoria.

1- Find some haircut that you like and you find "manly", but worn by a girl. You can tell your parents "can I get my hair done like this GIRL? It is super cool right now, you know?". I don't know, it worked for me.

2- You can use makeup in a subtle way to make your face and neck look more masc. There are a lot of tutorials and images to achieve this.

3- Dark hair usually makes you appear more masc.

4- Body language is even more important that the appearance, you can work with that.

5- If you can't buy a binder, you can use an sports bra. If you wear two sports bra, but each one looking in one direction (I mean, you wear one in the normal way and the other one looking backward...(? I don't know If I am explaining myself) it will work good as a binder.

6- Darken your eyebrows, it works.

7- If your dysphoria is very high, try to shower just before going to sleep. This way you will be able to put on comfy clothes and getting under your blankets and relax (and cry if you need to).

8- There are some foods that increase your testosterone and lower your estrogen. You can find them easily in google.

9- Try to do some sport to build-up your body in a manly way (if you want to). Do some shoulders and back workout, for example.


This is all I can think right now. Hope this useful for you, and if you want to ask something feel free to do it.

I didn't think of using makeup that way but now that you say it it seems really smart I will try that thanks a lot  

1 hour ago, Gabriel14 said:

As ArseNick said, body language is super super important!! I read a while ago that men take up more space, if there were an invisible line on the ground women tend to walk on the line and men walk with a foot on either side if that makes sense? When you’re walking around, try to match the steps of guys walking in front of you. It feels stupid at first but it really helped me feel better.

Sports bras in general are really good, just follow basic rules of binding with that and be safe (don’t wear two sports bras for more than 8 hours, take one or both off if it hurts at all, try not to do any exercise, don’t sleep with two sports bras on, etc.)

For showers, I shower with the light off and music on (loudly). Be careful with this please, especially if you’re clumsy or prone to tripping or something

Be safe, and take care!!! I found a lot of silly little tips that actually help me feel better myself on Pinterest, so maybe check there?

I don't know how I didn't think of showering with the light off-

thanks a ton both of you this means a lot to me  

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1 hour ago, Spadster said:

I don't know how I didn't think of showering with the light off-

thanks a ton both of you this means a lot to me  

Talking about showering with the light off, you could try to have an small light on the bathroom so you are not into absolute darkness. Sometimes I use a red light and it is very relaxing. If you add some music, as Gabriel 14 said, it could make you feel a way lot better.

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