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    queer/panromantic asexual
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  1. I just found your post while searching the internet for answers about this myself! This was posted in 2020, so you might be feeling different, but I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. I think it's the difference of priorities: I'm queer (panromantic ace) but I personally put friendships as my most important relationships, one because I've been single for a while now but more importantly, my friends are the people who I spend most time with, put effort into getting to know, who get me chocolates and food when I'm down, etc. Love for me isn't limited to romantic and so when I say I love all my friends, I mean planning dates, getting them flowers, all the fun appreciative stuff I am traditionally expected to do for a romantic partner. I try my best to look at romantic relationships and queer friendships in a tree branch-system instead of a ranked hierarchy, because when I was a pre-teen I very much saw it as a hierarchy due to conditioning and had bad experiences because of it. Also, it doesn't make sense to me personally, because the love is the same in all relationships, it just takes different forms, if that makes sense? Having said that, it can feel unfulfilling sometimes, through no one's fault particularly, because some close friends might not wholly look at love and loving relationships as branches of support and care like I do. And I know it's not personal, and it's not the most productive, but it can sting sometimes to see them rely less and less on friendships and more on romantic partnership(s) for emotional support and connection. I don't particularly have any advice, but hope sharing this helps the next person searching the internet for answers hehe:) Hope you have a nice day<3
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