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smac n cheese

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Posts posted by smac n cheese

  1. The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

  2. 7 hours ago, P4R4D0X said:

    I have a friend who didn't get into algebra 1, so her father bought an algebra textbook and told her to finish it before the next school year 

    Ohhhhhhhhhh gosh, I got into a selective enrollment school this year (it's a year advanced) and my dad bought me a 7th grade math book to do all in like three weeks before school started to catch up, and when I said I couldn't do it, he was like "BUT YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT AND YOU'LL HAVE A TERRIBLE LIFE IF YOU DON'T >:( >:( >:("

  3. dance- she's super nice and always helps kids when they have problems and SUPER lgbtq+ and neurodivergent friendly, she doesn't make us do moves that are too hard for us, and isn't scared to suspend bullies 

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  4. 18 hours ago, P4R4D0X said:

    My dad works at a university, and teaches math of all things, so therefore Pythagorean theorem is for 3rd graders (!?)

    And the university offers free classes to the family members of employees, so yeah... 

    You think they care more about my academic value than me myself?


    That last part, 💀. At least my parents will let me go anywhere, as long as its a good university.

    oh yeah, my dad taught me algebra when I was in second grade and got mad at me when I forgot, I'm a straight A student so I'm expected to be some kind of super-genius, some of my earliest memories are my dad constantly berating me about grades "YOU GOT A 97 WHY?????? STUDY HARDER TO GET A 100!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  5. 1 hour ago, P4R4D0X said:

    Wassup bestieeeeee [technical difficulties]


    Lets talk about favoritism and bad parenting.


    Parent. Like. Little. Children.

    Yk that stereotypical family where oldest is abused, middle is unexisted, and youngest is favourite? Yeah, stereotypes don't stem from nowhere (my parents are stereotypical asian-american parents). 


    "Their just a child"


    [technical difficulties]


    So, ima coin the term bipolar parenting for parents that kinda go up and down on the scale of good or bad parenting. So in my experience with my own parents, they will be discussing a vacation one minute and yelling at me the next. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is not a real term and it does not have real stuff behind it feel free to add ig

    my parents aren't Asian, my mom's white and my dad's Latino, but boy do they act like that stereotype.

    they ABSOLUTELY hate me

    oh, and they're not letting me move to a different city when I go to college bc they want to stay in control of me

  6. 16 minutes ago, P4R4D0X said:

    "I will throw away your chromebook."

     - My father, who (hopefully) knows that the chromebook is for school and it costs 250 dollars to replace.


    in my neighborhood, its almost guaranteed that at any given time, at least one parent is yelling at their child(ren).

    my parents have threatened to cut me off from talking to my friends countless times, (sometimes by throwing away my electronic devices... sometimes by other stuff) 

    the worst things they've ever threatened were... hitting me super hard, putting me in a school where everyone hates me, and shipping me off to another country with my even worse family members 


    (dang I gotta move this conversation to the vent thread)

  7. 53 minutes ago, P4R4D0X said:

    At some point during my decade and a fifth on earth, 'I love you mom!' became a lie, and 'I love you dad!' just didn't exist in the first place.

    they will not not hug me please send help they keep invading my room at 12 am sleeping is just an act ahhhhhhhhhhhh (yes the second 'not' was intentional)

    at this point, please, let them die.

    not to take away from your experience, but that's exactly what's happening to me right now. my parents have absolutely no sense of boundaries, they'll call me insensitive and a narcissist for standing up for myself when they yell at me, and they've threatened to do terrible things. I just CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE and I wish either them, or me, would die

    • Sad 1
  8. 17 hours ago, P4R4D0X said:

    Please help we have state testing tomorrow and everyone says I'm gonna do fine cuz my IQ is 141 and im SoOoOo gifted but that's not how it works and I'm self destructing because of my parents' existence

    I'm so sorry about that... idk how I can help but if you need to talk I'm always here!

    oh, I'm definitely self destructing because of my parents' existence as well

  9. 19 minutes ago, allhailtheglowcloud said:

    That's disappointing about the pranks... You could always wait until school starts again and proceed to go into denial about the fact that time has passed since April 1?


    • Haha 1
  10. I saw a status update by @queer_kaleidoscope that said "why is mental illness like "buy 1 get 5 free"" and this feels SO TRUE

    like when I found out I had either SPD or autism I was like, okay, I can deal with that, but now that I know I have social anxiety, depression, ADHD, BPD, PTSD, C-PTSD, and dysgraphia as well...


    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, allhailtheglowcloud said:

    Also because it's now April fools day for me (yay timezones) do any of you like to pull pranks, and if so, do you have any that you're most proud of?

    I LOVE pulling pranks, my best one would probably be... idk just messing with my friends' heads 

    We don't have school today and my parents would absolutely kill me if I pulled a prank on them so this is a really sad April fools day 😭

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  12. 22 hours ago, algebraicresc said:

    Hiii smac n cheese!! You’re the first other oriented aroace I’ve talked to! It’s really nice to find others on here. (especially bc of how major my orientedness is to my daily life? if that makes sense lol)

    What music do you like? 

    that totally makes sense, my orientedness is super important to my daily life too!! (I'm a lesbian oriented aroace btw)

    hmmmm... I really like Cavetown, as well as BTS and basically any musical theatre songs!

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