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Everything posted by WanderingEvan

  1. It's also worth noting that attraction and intent are two different things. Aromanticism is about attraction which is feeling that pull towards a specific person and that has nothing to do with favourability. I've seen this be brought up a lot in ace spaces but not so much in aro spaces. Just like how ace people can enjoy sex, aro people can enjoy romance.
  2. The third one looked really cool but it didn't have a very good range of skin tones. It had several light shades and and singular dark shade which was too dark for my skin which kinda sucked. On the plus side, the shadow background effect was pretty cool.
  3. Same for me! I think that me being ace (and more specifically my sex aversion) has influenced my aversion towards gendered aspects of myself. However, I do think that my lack of gender isn't inherently influenced by my orientation.
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