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Posts posted by Jeeperz_

  1. 23 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:

    My purpose is to reveal to men and women that women's sexuality is not what people imagine it is.

    You obviously did not read my first post. If you did, you would see my argument for why if this were true it would also apply to men. You obviously also did not understand what I was saying about a sexual relationship. I was pointing out that a woman can still be straight and find women sexually attractive. There is a difference between getting your rocks off and wanting a relationship.

    The key issue to this argument is your hyper focus on biology. Again, I would suggest you read the first post I had on this topic. All humans male and female are biologically bisexual. This does not mean that all humans want to be in relationships with both men and women or identify as bisexual. There is so much more that goes into sexual orientation that just what makes someone aroused.

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  2. 23 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

    as they were facts

    But they aren't though. Who are you to say how straight women act? There is a difference between finding something attractive and legitimately wanting to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone of the same sex.

    Also, you are still using articles instead of studies (see my last post) and that stupid first person blog is still part of your 'resources' (again, see above). Also, you have still failed to explain why this only applies to women (see above). Your claims are misguided at best and downright purposefully false at the worst. 

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  3. 39 minutes ago, DeltaAro said:

    You don't understand. 😉 The important message here is:

    No, I was saying that based off of one of the articles they used

    14 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

    Female Sexuality: Straight Women Turned On By Attractive Women Are Either 'Bisexual Or Gay,' Says Study

    And this part here along with a few other parts.

    16 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

    Ask any bisexual woman if there are are straight girls out there, and she would say with smile that there are almost no heterosexual girls out there. Lesbians will tell you that it is much easier to get a straight girl to bed than another lesbian.

    I know that their end point is that 'all women lesbian, that bad', but they do seem to be more focused on stating why straight women aren't actually straight but bi or lesbian. Not that it really matters, it's a bad take either way.

  4. Honestly @TruthSeeker, I think you're looking way too far into it. I'm going to say something that would seem to be in support of your wild point, but I do not in any way agree with you. I am specifically referencing the second bit for my 'supports your wild point'.

    Firstly, why do you think it's just women? Apart from a few hormonal differences, the male and female brain have few noticeable difference which would make me question why this theory would only apply to women. The amygdala is not wildly different in men or women. There were a few studies in the early 2000's, but most of those have now either been disproven or shown to have been marginal at best.

    Second, biologically, homo sapiens are bisexual. This is solely related to surviving in the wild, as it is for most bisexual mammals. This fact, however, does not mean that all people are inherently bisexual. Humans are highly complex organisms. There are many factors outside of biological wiring that drive us. This is not to say that sexuality is by nurture, there is a large genetic and mild hormonal factor to sexuality. In short, biology alone is not enough of an indicator to be able to dictate someone's sexuality.

    Third, please learn how to write in a way that doesn't make me want to cry. It sounds like you ripped half of those lines from a telenovela. It nearly hurts to read.

    Fourth, you use far too much anecdotal evidence. Not only did you use a tv show to back you (open house), but most of your sources are articles. If you want to look reputable, use the actual studies. Articles have the potential to exaggerate and skew studies to fit what the writer is trying to say. One of your sources was an article/blog written in the first person. Do I really need to explain why that is not a credible source?

    Lastly, why here? And that is a genuine question. What made you post here of all places? What are your biases? You didn't fill out any information in your bio, so I'm just curious what hand you have in this pot.

    Lastly-Lastly, screw off man. Even if it was true that most straight women aren't straight, who are you to say? I think that's up to them to say.

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  5. Idk if this counts as much because it's still functions using the equivalent to english words, but a lot of asl terms for aromantics and asexuals is pretty boring honestly. For aromantic it's just a-r-o finger spelled and same for ace. Things like split attraction modle turn into the signs for split or separate, attraction, and then the sign that's used for diagram or model. It greatly depends on the context, but the aro and ace community don't have many identity specific signs. It's usually just a very literal translation (for reference, there are identity specific signs for things like lesbian, gay man, queer, bisexual, and many community specific things as well like drag or various terms used to describe queer people like butch or femme in the lesbian community) rather than any specific combination of preexisting or new signs. Honestly kind of a shame. I've seen in a few rare instances people using a modified version archer for aro, but mostly used among friends. (If anyone is curious, they just took the sign for archer and did the first motion smaller and closer to their chest and then just moved both of their hands to be paralleled in front of their chest for the last part instead). Long short of it, I want cool signs for aro and ace.

    • Like 3
  6. Being m-spec and aro just kind of perpetuates the idea that all aro people are promiscuous. It's difficult to dispute these types of things without getting into personal detail. It's awful that people think things like that in the first place, but it's even worse that you are almost forced hand to tell people about your sex life to avoid being labled slutty. Even then it seems that no matter what you tell people it's not enough. Not only do you feel pressure to tell people about your sex life, but there's always some part of you that fears it won't be enough no matter what it is because for a lot of people it isn't enough no matter what it is. Of course there are some wonderful people who are fine off that bat, but to anyone who isn't very well informed about aromanticism, it seems like you'll always be running around to prove yourself.

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  7. Quote

    emotional attached and not in love.

    It seems like what you may be feeling is an alternative form of attraction. There are several types of attraction that aren't strictly romantic, sexual, or platonic. There are three common types of alternative attraction.

    Aesthetic attraction - An interest or strong appreciation for a particular person’s appearance or beauty. Basically 'That person is so pretty, I want to stare at them or be around them'

    Alterous attraction - An interest or desire for emotional closeness without necessarily being platonic and/or romantic. Pretty much inbetween platonic and romantic. Maybe you want to be friends but also kiss or go on dates or do other romantic things. 

    Sensual attraction - An interest or desire to touch or be physically close to someone, in a non-sexual way such as hugging or cuddling.  That one's definition pretty much sums it up.

    It's all fairly nuanced and can take a lot of personal exploration to understand. There are also a few other forms of attraction. A good website that puts it in simple terms is https://www.aromanticism.org/en/attraction-relationship-terms

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  8. For the love of god, I want nothing more than to drive around in a hippie van with a qpr partner or two. Just have various side hustles between us and live off of dumpster diving and rest stops. Go state to state hiking and partying and doing everything all at once.

    (Obviously, trust and open communication and blah blah blah, but I can't even. Why can't I just hurry up and road trip with hot friends with benefits already?)

    • Like 6
  9. Okay, hear me out on this one.

    Max from wizards of waverly place. I know that he has two or three relationships in the show, but it always rubbed me as the kind of 'Yeah, I wanna be this person's number one best friend' kind of relationships you get into before you realize you're aro. 

    Idk if I'm just projecting or if I'm a little loopy for this one, but I just can't explain it. He's at least demi in my mind.

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  10. Hi! My name is Franz and I am aromantic bisexual. I've known for a few years now, but always felt out of place as an alloaro. I tried my school's gsa and no one really took it seriously. I even got the overused 'haven't found the right one' a few time. (Seriously, get a new line people). It always seems like representation for aromanticism is aroace, so I'm mostly here to make friends and feel a little less isolated in the weird world of alloaro. Feel free to reach out! I love horror, writing, and marketing. Cheers 🥂

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