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Posts posted by Jeeperz_

  1. An nearly-accurate human anatomy diagram held behind a glass case. When you ask to purchase it the worker will tell you that it must be shipped to your home like a replica knife at a tourist shop. There's a terrible shipping fee and it takes several years to get there with zero updates on it's status. When if finally arrives, it is just a poorly lit picture of the diagram. Part of the fine print you signed when consenting to ship it.

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  2. "Hands up, Fight back. Hands up, Fight back. Hands up, Fight back. Because we are not begging them for shit. So today I'm going to tell y'all all the reasons why not only should we abolish the police, but we should abolish this motherfucking system that we're living under. Because we're not reforming a system that was built against us, we're gonna burn this shit to the ground and then rebuild it for ourselves. Today we're going to talk about abolition because more of y'all need to be okay with being uncomfortable. The American Experiment started because a black man got shot right before the revolutionary war. We're the first American that dropped to build this country. Crispus Attucks, google it. So I'm angry for Crispus Attucks. I'm angry for Emmett Till. I'm angry for Eric Garner. I'm angry for Sandra Bland. I'm angry for Tony McDade. I'm motherfucking angry. We've been marching peacefully for over 100 years, what the fuck has that gotten us? We build ourselves up and they burn our shit down. Why are we trying to fucking reason with them? They don't care about us. They don't. So now, as black people, as people of colour, as poor people because poor white people, they don't fuck with you either. So, as these marginalized groups, it is our job as the people to show the government who the fuck the power really is. And if they don't want to listen to us we will make them because when I see that capitol building down there or when I see that white house over there, I don't see it painted white. I see the black and brown bleeding hands that built it. That shit is painted red to me."

    - From Protest, Reposted @reddisari

  3. 10 minutes ago, Tallow said:

    So I've been out as ace for about 4 months now, and I've recently began wondering if I'm on the aro-spec too. I do have my doubts though, considering I've been in two short relationships back to back, with at least some romantic attraction in those. I'm confused as to if it was all romantic attraction or if it was mostly sensual/aesthetic or whatever, but no matter. Here's what I know: 

    - I've had to fake having crushes to fit in.
    - I didn't have a crush or like anyone until 8th grade (when the two back to back relationships were) and I haven't liked anyone since.
    - I thought I was omnisexual/romantic because I felt the same about everyone, which was nothing.
    - Never been in love/experienced intense romantic attraction.
    - Cannot imagine myself in a romantic marriage, can with a platonic one.
    - I get romance repulsed sometimes.
    - Kissing is gross, in a romantic sense or not.
    - Some aro-spec labels feel right, but I feel bad fully committing to anything considering I change my mind about my romantic orientation every day. 

    A note: I am still pretty young, so I might just not have enough experience with this yet. I am also autistic, which might be messing with some things. 

    If you have anything that could help, please let me know!

    Don't feel any pressure to label yourself. You can just go by aro or aro-spec if that feels right, it's all of rather little consequence. But to break down some things, aromantic people can still feel romantic attraction. Aro is little to no romantic attraction, so someone can be full on aro and still feel some sexual attraction. There are so many terms (I'm pretty sure there's a list somewhere in the welcome page), and if one of them ends out feeling right, that's great. But if not, there's really no pressure to find a label. Although, if you're looking for something to look into, there is aro-spike, aroflux, and abroromantic. All of these are terms to describe a fluid feeling of romantic attraction. Just something to look into, not a definitive thing. Hope it helps :)

  4. 1 minute ago, sevan said:

    im kind of confused about what you need help with.

    I have to see him several times a day with no way to avoid it. He says things like this all the time and a lot of people I know have come very close to filing a complaint. I'm one of the only people that isn't his friend that spends this much time with him. I just don't really think anything he says is okay, and I don't know. He's been escalating things lately and I don't want to be the one to snitch, but I also don't want anything bad to happen.

  5. First off, massive trigger warning of homophobia, racism and talks of violence. 

    Say there's this person you know. You see them every day, several times a day. There is no way to avoid him and every person you would talk to about it who would solve the issue would be required to disclose your name as being the one to complain. But this guy is pretty bad.

    First off, he calls people r-worded all the time including several of your friends and glorifies people like hitler as well as says the n-word both with and without the hard r fairly frequently.

    Not only this, but he talks about gay people all the time. He will yell fuck the gays randomly or tell people you know that they can be 'changed. But tonight, you feel like you're at a cross-roads.

    Conversation that happened today:

    Him: Fuck the gays

    Me: (attempting to defuse the situation) Yeah but like, fuck the gays am I right

    Him: Yeah sure, fuck the gays. Line them up right in front of me and I will. There'll just be a shotgun involved after if you know what I mean.

    And then, after some akward laughing on my end, I shit you not, He pulls this:

    Him: And you can be in line first.


    Given the first part of this, I am hesitant to say anything to people, but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this under control. If these are the things he can 'joke' about, I am hesitant to find out how far he would actually be willing to go given the chance.

    Please help me figure this one out

    • Like 1
  6. Internalised amatonormativity sucks. I feel like most people that experience both romantic and sexual attraction have little to no problem fancying the idea of a sexual relationship with someone. However, I find that myself and a lot of people I talk to feel creepy in one way or another about smushes we've had. Of course, you tell anyone about a smush and they usually have the reaction of thinking you're a creep, but it's really that feeling that gets you every time. I hate that smushes are seen in such a negative light compared to what alloromantics feel toward crushes.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Garlic Bread said:

    but if an asexual dated someone how would gender affect it

    I'm not entirely sure, but I think my answer is still pretty close to the same. They may only feel romantic attraction to one gender. Or they may just choose for one reason or another that it's better for their current lifestyle to date one gender over the other. I really can't give a definitive answer to the question of asexuals because I myself am not asexual, but a lot of things go in to what attractions people have and which they act on. In the end, I think it's specific to individual people what gender/genders they are attracted to and which genders they choose to go out with. I'd imagine it's much the same as who aro people choose to be in qprs with in what I said before. Someone who is ace could probably give a better answer, but that's my understanding of it

  8. You can make butter that is an edible. I have no idea how I didn't know this until now, but I cannot get over the idea of buttering up a full course meal and being absolutely baked after. Imagine having steak and potatoes or some bs and then being high out of your mind. I cannot stop laughing

    • Like 5
  9. 7 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:

    Why I care? Well, first of all, I'm jealous of how easy it is for women to get women to bed, they don't have to make any effort, lesbians and bisexual women can attest to this, I've asked 5-6 bisexual women about this myself, and they all said it is the easiest thing in the world for them to get straight women to bed. Also, it means I have to spend a lot of money to get what I want, if I was a woman, I could get women to bed without spending so much money.

    This will be the last time I am responding to you because you are unwilling to learn. There is a lot more to sexuality than attraction. So many factors go in to what attractions people act on and how they choose to identify. Since you refuse to read my first comment, here it is:


    Firstly, why do you think it's just women? Apart from a few hormonal differences, the male and female brain have few noticeable difference which would make me question why this theory would only apply to women. The amygdala is not wildly different in men or women. There were a few studies in the early 2000's, but most of those have now either been disproven or shown to have been marginal at best.

    Second, biologically, homo sapiens are bisexual. This is solely related to surviving in the wild, as it is for most bisexual mammals. This fact, however, does not mean that all people are inherently bisexual. Humans are highly complex organisms. There are many factors outside of biological wiring that drive us. This is not to say that sexuality is by nurture, there is a large genetic and mild hormonal factor to sexuality. In short, biology alone is not enough of an indicator to be able to dictate someone's sexuality.

    Third, please learn how to write in a way that doesn't make me want to cry. It sounds like you ripped half of those lines from a telenovela. It nearly hurts to read.

    Fourth, you use far too much anecdotal evidence. Not only did you use a tv show to back you (open house), but most of your sources are articles. If you want to look reputable, use the actual studies. Articles have the potential to exaggerate and skew studies to fit what the writer is trying to say. One of your sources was an article/blog written in the first person. Do I really need to explain why that is not a credible source?

    Lastly, why here? And that is a genuine question. What made you post here of all places? What are your biases? You didn't fill out any information in your bio, so I'm just curious what hand you have in this pot.

    It is clear that you are just some incel that lost his way trying to get to a woman hating forum. Try to back your ridiculous claim with whatever you want, the science is not on your side. You have a great deal of confirmation bias and have clearly gone out looking for things you wanted to hear rather than researching the legitimate science behind sexuality. Please just take a writing course and do a little research on what parts of brain and hormonal functions control sexual arousal. Jesus christ

    • Like 4
  10. I personally don't get it, but I think it's just very nuanced. I also think it has a lot to do with different types of attraction. Someone could find men and women attractive but only want to sleep with women so they identify as just being romantically attracted to women because it would work better for their lifestyle to date someone they are also sexually attracted too. Someone could be aro and find men and women sexually attractive but only sleep with men because of trauma or finding it easier to be in qprs with men. I think it's just much to wide a spectrum to have one answer to. More of a case to case thing, you know?

    • Like 3
  11. 14 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:

    Please indulge me and post research/evidence that straight men are bisexual,


    Also, I am not saying straight men are bisexual. I am saying that all humans are inherently bisexual by nature. It is something observed in nature often and seems to be more than applicable to humans as well.



    The second one might be a bit confusing, but it basically argues that there is a part of every person that is bisexual but due to several factors many people never act on it. And as for being a straight guy and not wanting to touch other straight guys, that seems to be mostly a you thing. There are a hellva lot of guys that do a lot more than touching and are still straight (at least 60 percent according to the first study). What is your point though? As a straight guy, what do you care if some straight women sleep with other women? Why do you care?

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