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Posts posted by AroAcedragon15

  1. 1 minute ago, MondoBilby said:

    It's mostly just because they were treating their relationship like they'd been together for years right as it started that made it feel so short-lasting. Seriously, the amount of drama that happened was bloody tiring. I won't get into it though to respect my friend, and also because I just don't really care lol. It was crazy though, I'll say that.

    there's always so much drama! one kid here has to have dated almost every boy in the grade and some in lower grades. i think the longest relationship i know of was like a year or so.

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  2. 2 hours ago, MondoBilby said:

    Haha, that's exactly what one of my friends did! He got a gf for the first time, not even a week went by and they were already planning their engagement and what they'd do for a honeymoon and such. Very long story short, they're not together anymore lol. Only lasted about 8 months.

    8 months is crazy! relationships here only last like a few weeks to days. 

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Iamorchid said:

    That’s not a normal thing to freak out at, it’s just a hygiene product…

    i know. no girl in the area bat an eye but the boys were like "put it awaay!!!! that's gross!!!, nobody wants to see that!!"

  4. 1 minute ago, Darkraven77 said:

    Omg they do?

    two of my friends were talking about what they wanted their dress to look like and other details. I was confused. i didn't think ppl actually did that. same with high schoolers having sex. I continue to be shocked that, that is something ppl do. like don't y'all have homework or something?

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  5. do i need a gender identity? gender feels complex. i don't rlly care what im perceived as and i dont really prefer to be perceived as a boy rather than a girl or vice versa. i hate my chest and having a period. as for pronouns he/him is wrong and she/her fits i guess and they/them does too. i can't find a label that really clicks. any thoughts?

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  6. On 11/21/2023 at 7:26 AM, Keith said:

    Hi! So, just as the title says, this is directed towards people who have come out not only to themselves, but also to those around them - like friends, family and ect. I've been debating doing this for a very long time, and I just wanted to ask - how has it actually affected your life? Did anything change in the way you've been perceived? If yes, then what was it like? I mean, what changed? And was it for the worse, or for the better?

    P.S. Please tell me if the question sounds too invasive, because that's not my intention!! I'm just genuinely curious, since it's something I've been considering for a while.

    I've come out to myself,many friends and my mom and brother. It's affected my life in a few ways. It was a journey at first but I don't regret it. I'm a LOT happier. It's taught me many lessons and shown me who i can trust. I think people perceive me differently but mostly because i'm more confident and talkative. When I came out to my mom I was angry at first. I was confused because you normally see people who are so happy but I wasn't at least not how i thought I would. I think I was so scared because it felt weird after keeping it private for so long to have someone so important know that. It felt almost frustrating. So if you come out don't be surprised I guess if you react differently than what you see in the media. It's an individual journey so it's unique to you. It's also helped me form more real and meaningful friendships. It's hard to make friends when you don't know who you are let alone the people around you. It's helped my mental health more than I can describe. There have been a few negative affects of coming out but nothing that hasn't stopped me from continuing to do it. Personally I've struggled with the anxiety of people outing me to others. I combat those thoughts by talking about it. If I'm worried about a certain friend telling someone I talk to them. It also doesn't hurt to remind others of your boundaries. Make sure you trust someone before coming out to them. Also if a friend makes you feel bad about your identity then don't be afraid to call them out. Trust me it will save a lot of hurt than if you just let it go. I can't guarantee what will happen if you come out but I can tell you that every struggle and every victory since coming out have been MORE than worth it. There have been many dark times but just as many lighter ones. If you ever need to talk or have any questions or even just want to rant don't hesitate to reach out and private message me on here.

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